michalyao / evermonkey

Evernote Editing. Redefined. 关于 token 的问题请去 https://github.com/michalyao/evermonkey/issues/94 中查看!
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Support draw mermaid diagrams #50

Open kehao-chen opened 7 years ago

kehao-chen commented 7 years ago

mermaid is used for "Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown". It will be awesome if you add this feature.

michalyao commented 7 years ago

Hi, @HappyHackingNinja I'm open to new ideas, to be exactly, this feature is within the list at the begining of this project. However, the dependencies needed for this feature really scraed me. The extension's size will grow to about 70M... This may annoy some users, including me. So, I gave it up. You can draw in other apps and insert the images or attachments to the note for now.

However, if this is really a need for users, I'm going to make this feature available. I will create a feature branch later on most likely, you can check it out then and build for yourself.

Have fun.