micheaol / Portfolio-project

The purpose of this project is to build a portfolio web app to showcase some if not all of the projects and my skills as a web developer. Built with Javascript, CSS, and HTML.
MIT License
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Portfolio-project #10

Closed micheaol closed 3 years ago

micheaol commented 3 years ago

In this pull request I add function:

  1. When the user clicks (or taps) the button to check project details, the popup with details about the project appears.
  2. When the user clicks (or taps) the close (X) button, the popup disappears.
  3. Create a pop-up for both Desktop and mobile versions.
  4. I store the pieces of data in a JavaScript object.
  5. I update the main page so that the projects section is created dynamically using the information stored in that JavaScript object.
netlify[bot] commented 3 years ago

✔️ Deploy Preview for distracted-hermann-695ff6 ready!

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netlify[bot] commented 3 years ago

✔️ Deploy Preview for micheaol-portfolio ready!

🔨 Explore the source changes: 3113c8b201d17445a7c00ee2da3a61eccc6d69b5

🔍 Inspect the deploy log: https://app.netlify.com/sites/micheaol-portfolio/deploys/615e4c7d694e0d0007e8d3b3

😎 Browse the preview: https://deploy-preview-10--micheaol-portfolio.netlify.app

micheaol commented 3 years ago

Hi, The error below was received because I set the background Image from the Js file: Linters error: 206:48 error Unexpected string concatenation prefer-template

line of code: line 206 in the main.js file "popUpInnerImgDiv.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + project.projectImg + ')';"

Kindly advise on how to fix the error.


safafa commented 3 years ago

You can solve this by using interpolation : image

safafa commented 3 years ago

Hey team,

While you made a great effort in this project, unfortunately, I cannot proceed to review your code.

Invalid Code Review Request

You have submitted a project, with a linter check not passing

Your Code Review Request will be marked as invalid in your Dashboard, so please submit a new one once you are ready 🙏

Cheers and Happy coding!👏👏👏

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