micheaol / Portfolio-project

The purpose of this project is to build a portfolio web app to showcase some if not all of the projects and my skills as a web developer. Built with Javascript, CSS, and HTML.
MIT License
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Portfolio-project #9

Closed micheaol closed 3 years ago

micheaol commented 3 years ago

In this pull request:

  1. I add a click event to the hamburger button, for the mobile menu to appear.
  2. I add a click event to the close (X) button, for the mobile menu to disappear when clicked.
  3. I add a click event so when a user clicks (or taps) any of the mobile menu options, the mobile menu disappears.
  4. I add a click event so when a user clicks (or taps) any of the mobile menu options, a correct part of the page is displayed.
netlify[bot] commented 3 years ago

✔️ Deploy Preview for micheaol-portfolio ready!

🔨 Explore the source changes: 949a7565932a34851723bfc18a9fba6d271df070

🔍 Inspect the deploy log: https://app.netlify.com/sites/micheaol-portfolio/deploys/615bc60381b2e0000738b05b

😎 Browse the preview: https://deploy-preview-9--micheaol-portfolio.netlify.app