Open ShangTianYa opened 1 month ago
“ErrorDashtoDock.webm” 此为我的演示视频,最开始可滑动为笔记本触摸板进行滑动,后面无法滑动为鼠标滚轮操作无反应导致后面移动到dashtodock最左侧和右侧进行移动软件图标
[vanvugt] Github Issues can't interact with you? Will the github project team communicate and fix this kind of problem?
这有@人功能,我尝试一下 @MiloCasagrande @mildred @langri-sha @rkitover
不应该啊,dash-to-dock、remmina、systemd都出自你们之手,为何在github点赞和收藏如此之少??? It doesn't make sense that dash-to-dock, remmina, and systemd are all from you guys, why are there so few likes and favorites on github?
Confirmed: when choosing "Fixed size" for the icons, and with too many icons to be shown in the dock, with vertical docks (both at the left and the right) the scrolling wheel does move the list of icons to access those hidden; but with horizontal docks (both top and bottom) it doesn't work.
@sergio-costas 好的,问题已经了解了,请问官方有考虑修复横向Dash滚轮滚动吗?其实我还是建议修复,因为大部分选择横向,我这边也习惯了,FuckWIndwons和Macos都如此,Linux发行版有竖向的。但是不多。 各位我要所拜拜了
非常需要这个功能!!!作为gnome重度使用者,会经常将软件图标放于DashtoDock栏,以便快速打开软件。由于长期使用gnome会导致很多软件图标放于dashtodock上,没有鼠标滚轮滚动导致鼠标放置dash最左边或者右边一点一点的移动软件可太操蛋了!!! ErrorDashtoDock.webm