Open Winael opened 7 years ago
I could build such an UI to control it externally, but I do believe this can be reserved to the theme. I guess Ubuntu will ship the usual icon theme, and they will be able to customize such icon as well ("view-app-grid-symbolic.svg").
I would also suggest an override of it, I think e.g. a iconname from iconset, or an absolute path would be enough. Overriding an icon of iconset (view-app-grid-symbolic
in this case) is not an good idea, because it will be shown else where, where it is not intended to show that icon that was just meant for the dash-to-dock app launcher (specific: the view-app-grid-symbolic is somewhere used in nautilus, where it is not appropiate).
This way people (and distros) could use e.g. a command like
dconf write "/org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock" "apps-icon" "distributor-logo"
One argument against it is trying to inherit themes that customize the default dash, not targeting specifically dash-to-dock (and vice-versa). Also, in recent GNOME Nautilus use view-grid-symbolic.symbolic.png
That said, if someone wants to propose a non invasive patch (with the icon stored in the settings without exposed UI to start) I'm happy to consider it's inclusion.
Relevant upstream code:
Something similar was implemented in dash-to-panel which can be used as a starting point
With the recent announcement of Ubuntu using Gnome-Shell in the near future, lot's of new GS users will be tempted to customize GS to look like Unity. Because lots of theme are just end users with no tech background, that could be nice if they will have the possibility to overload the "the show app" icon with the icon of their choice, directly with the GUI settings window of Dash to Dock
Cheers, Winael