michelelacorte / SwipeableCard

A simple implementation of swipe card like StreetView
Apache License 2.0
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OnMapReadyCallback? #17

Open davidmarinangeli opened 6 years ago

davidmarinangeli commented 6 years ago

Hello, I've some troubles after adding your library:

Error:(28, 22) error: cannot access OnMapReadyCallback class file for com.google.android.gms.maps.OnMapReadyCallback not found

when i do simply

final OptionView singleSwipe = new OptionView.Builder()
                .text("Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text," +
                        " a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text, a lot of Text")
                .title("Single Card")

        SwipeableCard swipeableCard = findViewById(R.id.swipeCard);
davidmarinangeli commented 6 years ago

I had to manually add maps API to my project but now there is another problem. with the code above it crashes because

Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #8: Binary XML file line #8: Error inflating class it.michelelacorte.swipeablecard.SwipeableCard Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #8: Error inflating class it.michelelacorte.swipeablecard.SwipeableCard