micheleriva / krabs

🦀 Express.js/Fastify middleware and virtual host for multi-tenant Next.js applications
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rewrites dont work #28

Closed AhmadAbuyahya closed 2 years ago

AhmadAbuyahya commented 3 years ago

I want to add certain rewrites to one of my domains and it doesn't seem to work, this is what my next.config.js looks like:

module.exports = {
    async rewrites() {
        return [
                source: '/someroute',
                destination: '/somepage',

I also tried adding the tenant name before and it also didn't work:

module.exports = {
    async rewrites() {
        return [
                source: '/tenant/someroute',
                destination: '/tenant/somepage',

any help would be appreciated

KjellConnelly commented 3 years ago

This is how I use rewrites for catch-all route slugs... Maybe it'll give you some inspiration:

   source: '/blog/:slug*',
   destination: '/website1/blog/:slug*',
micheleriva commented 3 years ago

Hi @AhmadAbuyahya, you can handle rewrites on the Express.js/Fastify level

AhmadAbuyahya commented 3 years ago

Hi @AhmadAbuyahya, you can handle rewrites on the Express.js/Fastify level

is there no way to handle them from next?

micheleriva commented 3 years ago

@AhmadAbuyahya I think Express/Fastify could do that natively, so I'd suggest using them!