michelesalvador / FamilyGem

Android app for genealogical trees
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A field for ethnicity #114

Open aaannndddyyy opened 7 months ago

aaannndddyyy commented 7 months ago

Currently, there's a field for nationality. Ethnic group and citizenship do not always coincide, in some countries you have different tribes even speaking different languages, or ethnic minorities. Recording that information would be interesting, so such an option would IMHO make sense

aaannndddyyy commented 7 months ago

And clan, please . Mostly,those are either patrilineal or matrilineal, so a simple setting

aaannndddyyy commented 7 months ago


michelesalvador commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately there is no Ethnicity field in GEDCOM standard.

However the NATI value definition is quite inclusive:

NATIONAL_OR_TRIBAL_ORIGIN: The person's division of national origin or other folk, house, kindred, lineage, or tribal interest. Examples: Irish, Swede, Egyptian Coptic, Sioux Dakota Rosebud, Apache Chiricawa, Navajo Bitter Water, Eastern Cherokee Taliwa Wolf, and so forth.

Otherwise you may add a generic Event of Type "Ethnicity" or "Clan": Person ProfileFactsEventOtherEventTypeEthnicity

aaannndddyyy commented 4 months ago

Thanks. That solves it. Leaving only the minor esthetic nuisance that to me it's an attribute of a person and not an event, yet if you look at a person's profile it says "event" there , like a birthday, as if something happened , but nationality, tribe, clan, ... aren't happening. A naturalization is in fact an event, bit being Italian is not an event, or being Kurdish. An Iraqi Kurd night write "Iraqi" under Nationality and wants to add "Kurdish" as nationality or ethnicity , without that being an event. I know it's only a minor thing. The important thing is, that you can enter the information. But reading "event" is a bit displeasing And since NATI officially expands to NATIONAL_OR_TRIBAL_ORIGIN, you might reflect that in the UI too: Nationality (or Tribe)