michelesalvador / FamilyGem

Android app for genealogical trees
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Half-siblings in graph, ordering #118

Open aaannndddyyy opened 7 months ago

aaannndddyyy commented 7 months ago

I understand that it's nice to have the men always on one side and women on the other, however the color already indicates who is the father and who is the mother , so it's not strictly needed.

Now.consoder this situation: Tom and Mary have a child.

Mary has a son with Peter

Tom has a daughter with Rosa.

We now center the graph on Tom and Mary's child.

Great Above are the parents Tom and Mary

The half sister and and half brother are next to her, however they're not on the side of the shared parent but on the opposite side.

Tom and Rosa's daughter is not on Tom's side but on Mary's That's as though she were Mary's and Rosa's child.

I find that confusing and would very much prefer to see Tom and Rosa's daughter underneath Tom and Rosa . Also others whom I have shown it were confused Screenshot_2023-12-03-09-52-52-637-edit_app familygem

aaannndddyyy commented 7 months ago

So in the above, I suggest, Peter and Rosa swap places

aaannndddyyy commented 7 months ago

Screenshot_2023-12-03-11-04-17-391-edit_app familygem Here too, all of Mary's children are on the left, them side of Tom , and Tom's children are on the right hand side , on Mary's side

michelesalvador commented 4 months ago

Above all in multiple marriages I have favored the right/left arrangement of husbands and wives, consistent in all the diagram. Your proposal would break the basic diagram rule of male-left-female-right. But it makes sense. Because it places the half-siblings on the correct side of Child's father and mother. The same would happen for half-cousins (that at the moment are mistakenly not shown). Thank you!