michelin / Continuous-Architecture-Toolkit

For Digital and Agile enterprises wanting to leverage the architecture discipline to better steer their transformation journey while coping with the exponential flow of changes, Continuous Architecture Toolkit provides materials (posters, kits, roles description, rituals) to frame the new way of doing architecture and accelerate the change management among architects, delivery and operation teams.
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Responsive issue #29

Open jgrodziski opened 10 months ago

jgrodziski commented 10 months ago

Email from Benoît de Chezelles benoit.dechezelles@gmail.com

I'm writings this email to tell you that articles like https://continuous-architecture.org/docs/manifest/manifesto.html https://continuous-architecture.org/docs/practices/architecture-decision-records.html renders very poorly on a mobile browser as you can see in the screenshot attached. Reducing (removing?) the left panel would help a lot!

Thanks for these pages, they are gold in text form! Have a good day, Benoît

bew commented 10 months ago

Aye, it's perfect now 👌