michelin / kafkactl

Kafkactl is the CLI linked with Ns4Kafka. It lets you deploy your Kafka resources using YAML descriptors.
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assign user with given password or check existing one #91

Open piif opened 9 months ago

piif commented 9 months ago


reset-password subcommand generates a password, but in a CI context is should be interesting to check if an existing user matches a given password, to decide if it must be updated, and force it to a given value if needed


Alternatives Considered

source to input required password may be stdin or a prompt

piif commented 9 months ago

After I've taken a look at kafkactl code, it appears it needs a ns4kafka evolution before reporting it in kafkactl. In fact, I suppose assigning a password should be implemented by applying a "KafkaUser" spec, containing a password or not.

loicgreffier commented 9 months ago

Hey @piif,

To sum up, you'd like to:

Point 1 can be interesting. As you mentioned the whole business logic is held by the Ns4Kafka API. But:

For point 2, what would be the point of checking a password matches a Kafka user ?

piif commented 9 months ago

Hi @loicgreffier , what I mean by "valid password" is "does the given password is the current one or a modified one". Without storing current password, it should be verified by trying to connect with this password and check if it is accepted by kafka server. In this way, its possible to return an "unchanged" status when applying a KafkaUser resource.

By the way, when you say KafkaUser resource would be a breaking change, I don't fully agree since it does not exists today. Thus it's a new feature, but it doesn't break existing code

I agree with the idea of a /{user}/reset-password payload to specify required password, and this PI should return a "not modified" status if given password matches current one (again by simply testing to connect with)

loicgreffier commented 9 months ago


A KafkaUser resource is a breaking change on the reset-password endpoint path:

Could you provide more information regarding your CI use case for password reset to challenge if a User resource would be valuable ?

Anyway, with the current implementation:

➡ Agree with that ?

piif commented 8 months ago

Hello @loicgreffier , sorry for the delay, I had to work on another task.

loicgreffier commented 8 months ago


Right now I'm reconsidering that a KafkaUser resource could be a good option, especially for permanently aligning the cluster password.

POST /{user}/reset-password will be preserved as an alternative for backward compatibility reason. Role bindings will allow you to deny the access to the endpoint, if you do not want users to use it.

Which approach would suit you the best ? Would you want to contribute to the KafkaUser resource approach ?

piif commented 8 months ago

KafkaUser resource is clearly my first choice, but I don't know micronaut and didn't code in java for several years :-) I will see if some of my colleagues can help you

piif commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm back with this issue and began to work on a first implementation. Before trying to define and implement the "apply" version (which need a lot a changes in code I fear), I implemented set-password and check-password APIs on ns4kafka : see https://github.com/piif/ns4kafka/tree/issue/91 and https://github.com/michelin/ns4kafka/pull/430

Usage :

It seems to work in my basic usage, but I don't have environments with several cluster to check if it's all fine, nor I didn't checked what happened in case of connection failure to target cluster

piif commented 1 month ago

I began to look at "apply" solution, but I've several questions :

Do you think we have to store KafkaUser objects in ns4kafka backend, like other objects, or do we consider there's nothing more to store than the related namespace, thus namespace storage is enough to keep memory about users ? The second solution implies to create each namespace before its related user, but avoids to create a full data stack just to store a key (since password will not be stored on ns4kafka side, there's nothing more to store). This question implies also to decide if namespace deletion must imply to cascade user deletion.

Last question : do you think "apply" API must require password field ? if this field is omitted, should it mean to keep current password, or to reset and return a new one ? My opinion is to require password, since it's the only goal to this API, but I'm open to suggestions.

loicgreffier commented 3 weeks ago
  • PATCH /api/namespaces/[namespace]/users/[user]/set-password with new password as body ; returns same result than reset-password (open to discussion : it may just return a status ?)

@piif I would be in favor of having a single endpoint for that. What I suggest is:

This would minimize changes from Kafkactl.

loicgreffier commented 3 weeks ago
  • POST /api/namespaces/[namespace]/users/[user]/check-password with new password as body ; return 200 is password matches current one, 401 else

A HTTP 401 could let think the user is not allowed to call the check-password endpoint. What do you think about returning a status instead? Something like "SUCCESS/FAIL"?

Suggesting this point in the review.

twobeeb commented 3 weeks ago

Password check has a much cleaner solution. I strongly recommend using this instead. Works for SCRAM only.

Step 1: Pull out the SCRAM server fields from Kafka using AdminClient

# kafka-configs --describe --entity-type users
# Configs for user-principal 'post_install_test_producer' are producer_byte_rate=102400,SCRAM-SHA-512=salt=MTZlcmNvbmtoZWpxOWR3OGdzNWFqYm81YnI=,stored_key=JXOkH3OQyWB2mmsYTHkCeTPf9ozDslgzLvinG2z9AJEizOpZDgxCdxkOfmtWyfxXe3vouBAcgtXoV8NU4aC/5Q==,server_key=9oAYdMDGr7g1rH5TertR0vFj6lf0O4U68WMoAV1O2uP7e3hLuP1P0vwzS+skCwzc+Q6GCXQQSYNpIojXkXkPJA==,iterations=4096,consumer_byte_rate=102400
# Configs for user-principal 'perf_test' are producer_byte_rate=104857600,SCRAM-SHA-512=salt=cTFlM3AybWlrOGlrcndpeXJwcWcyNHFtNg==,stored_key=kAVpmVasCKPRrnrxvHgqXxHyxFR2kYlRj5lkCNsjU6YTjbKfb6L41PCWNFUSAv1ge7ENu1s1AucyUzUvTo4U3g==,server_key=USLipj1qt9XjdjZl+VQLJwBBEtIQUEHFwSUNK1v3DmTdrDxl9CqxoH5pZCCsABR3o7BYXOnjQUYrSurBKrmk0A==,iterations=4096,consumer_byte_rate=104857600

Step 2: Compare with clear password

from passlib.hash import scram
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64

class Scram_Check:
    def SamePassword(clear_password, broker_password_config, algorithm='sha-512'):

        if not broker_password_config:
            return False

        _algorithms = {"sha-512": hashlib.sha512, "sha-256": hashlib.sha256}

        salt = base64.b64decode(broker_password_config["salt"])
        iterations = int(broker_password_config["iterations"])
        expected_server_key = broker_password_config["server_key"]

        salted_hash = scram.derive_digest(clear_password, salt, iterations, algorithm)
        calc_server_key = hmac.new(salted_hash, 
                                'Server Key'.encode('utf-8'), 

        result = base64.b64encode(calc_server_key).decode('utf-8')
        return result == expected_server_key