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Hysteresis and deviation of TYK2 example #12

Closed kexul closed 2 years ago

kexul commented 2 years ago

Dear BioSimSpace developers: Thanks for the detailed tutorials provided here, it offers a good starting point for beginners like me to start simulation. Followed the tutorial, I've conducted several free energy perturbation tasks, but there are two common problems I've encountered frequently:

  1. Hysteresis between 'growing' and 'shrinking' perturbations is large.
  2. Deviation between different runs is large.

I used to believe that's because I did not precisely follow the tutorial (eg. I used Gromacs to equilibrate the system ). But, after analyzing the fep output in this repo, I found the same problems exist here.

For example, the average hysteresis in somd_run_1_i.csv is 1.23 kcal/mol, for reference, the average hysteresis of TYK2 in this paper is 0.35 kcal/mol (calculated from the fep_results_freenrgworkflow_cresset_valid.csv in the supplementary material).

For deviation between different runs, the bar plot shows that some of the perturbations exceed 1 kcal/mol: image

Are there some good practices we could follow to reduce the hysteresis and deviation? Thanks! 🤗

jmichel80 commented 2 years ago

Hi @kexul ,

@JenkeScheen 's dataset somd_run_1_i.csv used in the BSS tutorial is work in progress and the protocol can be optimised for production runs.

To bring down the hystereis it is advisable to:

Generally considering these 4 points can help improve significantly performance. I hope that's helpful.

kexul commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your valuable suggestions, much appreciated!

jmichel80 commented 2 years ago

No problem, feel free to post an update if you want to discuss data comparing different optimisations.

kexul commented 2 years ago

No problem, feel free to post an update if you want to discuss data comparing different optimisations.

Glad to hear that, I'll post my findings, with the hope that the broader community would benefit from our conversations here. Also, thanks for your precious time! @jmichel80

Actually, in my daily practice, I've followed the 4 points you suggested earlier: Normally I use 3 replicates, 32 lambda windows, avoid ring-breaking transformation, and use predefined edges from literature.

Unfortunately, large hysteresis still exists, maybe there are other critical points we've missed?

Here is the result when trying to reproduce the Tyk2 result from the literature, I've completed two runs, and the third run is still running (some of the columns are blank because of the simulation failure):

CLICK TO EXPAND! | pair | run1 | run2 | | ----------- | --------- | --------- | | ejm31~ejm42 | \-0.27078 | \-0.24174 | | ejm31~ejm45 | \-0.1993 | 0.188573 | | ejm31~ejm50 | 0.72206 | 0.820103 | | ejm31~jul01 | 1.427699 | 1.627065 | | ejm42~ejm31 | 0.176274 | 0.311806 | | ejm42~ejm43 | 1.954235 | 2.022545 | | ejm42~ejm44 | 4.042022 | 3.388267 | | ejm42~ejm50 | 1.067259 | 0.699957 | | ejm42~ejm54 | 0.879837 | 0.694623 | | ejm42~ejm55 | 2.252366 | 2.358569 | | ejm43~ejm42 | \-1.64483 | \-1.4571 | | ejm43~ejm44 | 1.779731 | 1.952554 | | ejm44~ejm42 | \-3.66011 | \-3.33677 | | ejm44~ejm43 | \-1.59957 | \-1.82681 | | ejm45~ejm31 | | 0.149834 | | ejm45~jul01 | 2.620094 | 1.442835 | | ejm46~jmc28 | 1.886621 | 1.555092 | | ejm46~jmc30 | | 0.80443 | | ejm46~jul01 | 1.755878 | 1.800674 | | ejm47~jul01 | 0.934557 | 1.440271 | | ejm48~jul01 | \-0.3428 | \-0.09958 | | ejm49~jul01 | \-0.41488 | 0.203018 | | ejm50~ejm31 | \-0.0403 | 0.080538 | | ejm50~ejm42 | \-0.08899 | 0.057312 | | ejm54~ejm42 | 2.528639 | 2.140274 | | ejm54~ejm55 | 2.486658 | 2.554989 | | ejm55~ejm42 | 0.743144 | 0.736234 | | ejm55~ejm54 | \-0.28123 | \-0.33935 | | jmc23~jmc27 | 0.364259 | 0.379001 | | jmc23~jmc28 | 0.841479 | 1.014567 | | jmc27~jmc23 | 0.63879 | 0.576228 | | jmc27~jmc28 | 0.72562 | 0.729482 | | jmc28~ejm46 | \-0.6728 | \-0.6856 | | jmc28~jmc23 | 0.208397 | \-0.10953 | | jmc28~jmc27 | 0.435706 | 0.320099 | | jmc28~jmc30 | 0.220549 | 0.089279 | | jmc28~jul01 | 1.788838 | 0.749746 | | jmc30~ejm46 | 0.919123 | 0.578853 | | jmc30~jmc28 | 0.987918 | 0.926866 | | jul01~ejm31 | \-0.9081 | \-1.0201 | | jul01~ejm45 | 0.243509 | \-1.85236 | | jul01~ejm46 | \-1.15571 | \-2.10545 | | jul01~ejm47 | \-0.65378 | \-0.00385 | | jul01~ejm48 | 0.041774 | \-0.35261 | | jul01~ejm49 | \-1.2191 | 0.211973 | | jul01~jmc28 | \-0.8532 | |

The average hysteresis is 0.96. Three of them have the largest hysteresis:

It's weird that these are just simple transformations: no cyclical group is involved and the number of atoms perturbated are relatively small.

Here are the molecules, with pIC50 value as the edge (experiment measured value in backet):


Here are my input and output files: github.zip

kexul commented 2 years ago

Though we could still draw a decent figure from the above result when converted G to G and compared to expriment result, the hysteresis make one worried about the reliability of the result.


lohedges commented 2 years ago

Just to check, are you using the same mapping for both directions, i.e. with it inverted for the perturbation in one direction? From discussions elsewhere, I did hear talk of certain situations where mappings weren't symmetric, so if you were considering a pipeline where you generated a separate mapping for both directions (A-B and B-A) then you could be creating a different perturbation.

jmichel80 commented 2 years ago

The fact that the results between replicates for ejm42~ejm54 and ejm54~ejm42 are consistent suggest there is a systematic discrepancy between the mappings used.

If you look at the MBAR free energy changes in the outputs folder you have in kcal.mol

perturbation Bound Solvated
ejm42~ejm54 -47.1 -46.2
ejm54~ejm42 53.3 50.8

Normally the free energy changes would be of opposite sign. We occasionally see hysteresis in the bound leg, but typically the solvated leg figures are very consistent for a small perturbation like this one.

There is more evidence that the models differ by inspecting the TI gradients at lambda 0 and 1.

perturbation dG/dl, solvated, l=0 dG/dL, solvated, l=1
ejm42~ejm54 -45.15 -41.19
ejm54~ejm42 50.3 47.1

If the mapping is completely symmetric the gradients should have opposite sign and same magnitude at l=0 and l=1.

Could you share the input files given to SOMD for these calculations ? Check whether the MORPH.pert input files describe the same perturbation. This could be related to the comment @lohedges just posted.

lohedges commented 2 years ago

It would also be easy enough for us to check single-point energies for both mappings (both directions) to make sure that they are the same. We have some tests to do this already, i.e. checking that the single-point energies for the two extracted lambda = 0/1 end states agree with the original molecules, but these aren't exhaustive, i.e. only for a few ligand pairs.

kexul commented 2 years ago

Thanks @jmichel80 and @lohedges for the comments, I just checked the mapping, and here is the result:

perturbation hysteresis same mapping ?
ejm42~ejm54 3.1216865 FALSE
ejm42~ejm55 3.0451565 FALSE
ejm54~ejm55 2.2105375 TRUE
ejm46~jmc30 1.553418 FALSE
ejm45~jul01 1.227037 TRUE
jmc28~jmc30 1.112306 FALSE
jmc27~jmc28 1.1054535 TRUE
ejm46~jmc28 1.0416595 FALSE
jmc23~jmc27 0.979139 TRUE
jmc23~jmc28 0.977455 FALSE
ejm42~ejm50 0.8677685 FALSE
ejm47~jul01 0.8585965 TRUE
ejm31~ejm50 0.7911985 TRUE
ejm49~jul01 0.609498 TRUE
ejm31~jul01 0.5632835 TRUE
ejm42~ejm43 0.4374285 FALSE
jmc28~jul01 0.41609 TRUE
ejm48~jul01 0.376608 TRUE
ejm42~ejm44 0.216705 FALSE
ejm43~ejm44 0.1529505 FALSE
ejm46~jul01 0.1476935 TRUE
ejm31~ejm45 0.1444715 TRUE
ejm31~ejm42 0.0122185 TRUE

For the example (ejm42~ejm54) I provided, the only difference in the mapping is that in the forward direction, atom 26 was mapped to atom 28, but in the backward direction atom 28 was mapped to atom 25: 企业微信截图_1652780173127 I'm quite surprised that the small difference in the mapping had such a huge impact.

Here are the input files given to SOMD.

Will check the single point energy later. Will enforce the mapping and run the simulation again. Thanks again for your advice, learned a lot from that.

lohedges commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this, I'll try to take a more detailed look later. Given the differences in the mappings I think this is something that we need to warn the user about in our documentation. It may also be possible to do some tricks to enforce an identical mapping, e.g. perhaps finding the MCS in both directions in matchAtoms, scoring both, then returning the one with the highest score. That way you'll get the same mapping either way. (Perhaps there is an easier way to do this.)

I'm not sure if the mappings are different at the MCS stage, or when being scored. For example, I could imagine that the RMSD alignment might give slightly different results in mapping A to B, rather than B to A.

lohedges commented 2 years ago

For reference, the unit test here could be adapted to check that forward/reverse merges for a ligand pair give the same energetics.

jmichel80 commented 2 years ago

These two mappings SHOULD be completely equivalent as atoms 25/26 are symmetry related, i.e. 25/26 should have exactly the same parameters.

But there is something wrong with the input files.

In somd.pert for 42-54 there are 16 perturbed atoms. In somd.pert for 54-42 there are 15 perturbed atoms.

Notable in 42-54 I see entries for perturbing the partial charge of the oxygen atoms

        name           O
        initial_type   o
        final_type     o
        initial_LJ     3.04812 0.14630
        final_LJ       3.04812 0.14630
        initial_charge -0.59001
        final_charge   -0.62510
        name           O1
        initial_type   o
        final_type     o
        initial_LJ     3.04812 0.14630
        final_LJ       3.04812 0.14630
        initial_charge -0.55001
        final_charge   -0.55110

But no such entries are found in 54-42. For the first entry above the partial change is significant (-0.59 to -0.62). This will influence the MBAR free energy changes and gradients and could explain the inconsistency.

In 42-54 there are 3 nitrogen atoms (name N, N1, N2) listed somd.prm7 but the names don't appear anywhere in the pert file. In 54-42 there are 4 nitrogen atoms (N, N1, N2, N3) and 3 are listed as perturbed in the pert file.

Can you confirm that the pert files haven't been mixed up with inputs for another perturbation ? If not, we need to inspect your entire python pipeline to understand why this has happened.

JenkeScheen commented 2 years ago

@lohedges alternatively we could by default calculate a mapping based on e.g. a decreasing/increasing number of heavy atoms, that would prevent having to do a double MCS (can get tedious for some scaffolds out there). Could potentially include a flag to disable this behaviour.

lohedges commented 2 years ago

@jmichel80: I've locally repeated the mapping for 42-54 and don't see the same behaviour. The mappings in both directions are identical and the pert files contain the same number of perturbed atoms, with the initial/final parameters reversed, e.g.:

import BioSimSpace as BSS

# Load.
m0 = BSS.IO.readMolecules("inputs/ligands/ejm_42.pdb")[0]
m1 = BSS.IO.readMolecules("inputs/ligands/ejm_54.pdb")[0]

# Parameterise.
m0 = BSS.Parameters.gaff(m0).getMolecule()
m1 = BSS.Parameters.gaff(m1).getMolecule()

# Map.
mapping0 = BSS.Align.matchAtoms(m0, m1)
mapping1 = BSS.Align.matchAtoms(m1, m0)

# Check they are the same.
for k,v in mapping0.items():
    assert k == mapping1[v]

# Merge.
merged0 = BSS.Align.merge(m0, m1, mapping0)
merged1 = BSS.Align.merge(m1, m0, mapping1)

# Create pert files.
BSS.Process._somd._to_pert_file(merged0, "morph0.pert")
BSS.Process._somd._to_pert_file(merged1, "morph1.pert")

(Using latest devel. Working in 04_fep directory.)

kexul commented 2 years ago

Ah, I'm so sorry that I did not check it by myself earlier. . . 😰 I just compared the output .pert file using my local modified version of BioSimSpace with the latest dev, It seems like I've broken something that's essential for merging two molecules. The latest dev does give the same number of perturbed atoms and parameter reversed.

lohedges commented 2 years ago

No problem. When developing it might be worth running the unit tests locally from time-to-time to make sure that things don't break, i.e. via:

pytest -s -vvv test

(I like to add -s -vvv so that I get as much output as possible. Can be omitted as necessary.)

I assume some of the tests in test/Align would fail if they are no longer returning the expected mappings. (Although it's possible they might not. If so, it might be good to add a unit test to try to catch this.)


jmichel80 commented 2 years ago

@kexul let us know if you get more consistent results after fixing your build. It will be useful to discuss what can be done to improve the precision of certain mappings, I think there is scope to optimise the default mapping settings used by BSS.

kexul commented 2 years ago

No problem. When developing it might be worth running the unit tests locally from time-to-time to make sure that things don't break.

Thanks, I will surely follow that code of conduct.

@kexul let us know if you get more consistent results after fixing your build.

Sure, I'll post updates here. 😄

kexul commented 2 years ago

I've finished two runs with the latest dev build. The average hysteresis is 0.358, which is very close to the value reported in the paper. 🎉🎉🎉

Click to expand! | pair | run1 | run2 | | ----------- | --------- | --------- | | ejm31~ejm42 | \-0.08613 | 0.015273 | | ejm31~ejm45 | \-0.21538 | \-0.17822 | | ejm31~ejm50 | 0.194331 | 0.115053 | | ejm31~jul01 | 0.919371 | 0.973248 | | ejm42~ejm31 | 0.146271 | 0.002078 | | ejm42~ejm43 | 1.636413 | 1.558925 | | ejm42~ejm44 | 3.207577 | 3.619866 | | ejm42~ejm50 | 0.427508 | 0.033663 | | ejm42~ejm54 | \-0.59009 | \-0.75612 | | ejm42~ejm55 | \-0.92692 | \-0.47528 | | ejm43~ejm42 | \-1.56648 | \-1.8967 | | ejm43~ejm44 | 1.639482 | 2.082481 | | ejm44~ejm42 | \-3.35724 | \-3.01728 | | ejm44~ejm43 | \-1.75149 | | | ejm45~ejm31 | 0.788093 | 0.422596 | | ejm45~jul01 | 1.042895 | 1.186921 | | ejm46~jmc28 | 1.787694 | 1.699024 | | ejm46~jmc30 | 0.208236 | 0.196755 | | ejm46~jul01 | 1.82698 | 1.893201 | | ejm47~jul01 | 1.495042 | | | ejm48~jul01 | 0.75592 | 1.27013 | | ejm49~jul01 | 0.466818 | 0.833706 | | ejm50~ejm31 | \-0.21706 | \-0.07924 | | ejm50~ejm42 | \-0.46473 | \-0.26572 | | ejm54~ejm42 | 1.585729 | 1.288823 | | ejm54~ejm55 | 0.980306 | 0.889611 | | ejm55~ejm42 | 0.809105 | 0.734395 | | ejm55~ejm54 | \-0.48653 | \-0.75842 | | jmc23~jmc27 | 0.239213 | 0.021565 | | jmc23~jmc28 | 0.642144 | 0.268324 | | jmc27~jmc23 | 0.018703 | 0.043508 | | jmc27~jmc28 | 0.518408 | 0.536719 | | jmc28~ejm46 | \-0.68625 | \-0.88868 | | jmc28~jmc23 | \-0.33933 | \-0.75477 | | jmc28~jmc27 | \-0.16184 | \-0.18707 | | jmc28~jmc30 | \-0.18587 | \-0.60097 | | jmc28~jul01 | 1.337069 | 1.20084 | | jmc30~ejm46 | 0.750523 | 0.725523 | | jmc30~jmc28 | 0.905889 | 0.716778 | | jul01~ejm31 | \-1.18348 | \-0.98745 | | jul01~ejm45 | \-1.0599 | \-1.9752 | | jul01~ejm46 | \-1.09912 | \-1.81115 | | jul01~ejm47 | \-0.91361 | \-2.08847 | | jul01~ejm48 | 0.082509 | 0.341706 | | jul01~ejm49 | \-0.91217 | \-0.93681 | | jul01~jmc28 | \-0.52787 | \-0.69395 | | pairs | hysteresis | same mapping? | | ----------- | -------- | ------------- | | ejm48~jul01 | 1.225133 | TRUE | | ejm46~jmc28 | 0.955894 | FALSE | | ejm46~jmc30 | 0.940519 | FALSE | | ejm42~ejm54 | 0.764166 | FALSE | | jmc28~jul01 | 0.658045 | TRUE | | jmc28~jmc30 | 0.417917 | FALSE | | ejm31~ejm45 | 0.408544 | TRUE | | ejm46~jul01 | 0.404957 | TRUE | | ejm45~jul01 | 0.402641 | TRUE | | jmc27~jmc28 | 0.353108 | TRUE | | ejm54~ejm55 | 0.312482 | TRUE | | ejm49~jul01 | 0.274229 | TRUE | | ejm42~ejm44 | 0.22646 | FALSE | | jmc23~jmc27 | 0.161494 | TRUE | | ejm31~jul01 | 0.139157 | TRUE | | ejm42~ejm50 | 0.134638 | FALSE | | ejm42~ejm43 | 0.13392 | FALSE | | ejm43~ejm44 | 0.109488 | FALSE | | jmc23~jmc28 | 0.091817 | FALSE | | ejm42~ejm55 | 0.070654 | FALSE | | ejm31~ejm42 | 0.038748 | TRUE | | ejm31~ejm50 | 0.006544 | TRUE | | ejm47~jul01 | 0.005999 | TRUE |

Thanks for all of your helpful discussions and kind support, much appreciated!

jmichel80 commented 2 years ago

Great ! Out of interest what is the structure of jul01 ? It doesn't seem to be present in our own Tyk2 networks. It's interesting to see several edges involving this compound show larger variability. If you inspect closely the mappings it may be possible to find a more efficient way to process these edges.

jul01~ejm45 | -1.0599 | -1.9752
jul01~ejm46 | -1.09912 | -1.81115
jul01~ejm47 | -0.91361 | -2.08847
kexul commented 2 years ago

Hi @jmichel80 , I'm using the same edges as the paper did. Here is the file in the paper's supplement files described the perturbations. Though the structure of jul01 is not explicitly shown in the main context, it's easy to infer its structure by the MCS of the molecules it connected.

Here is the full print of my perturbation network, the larger variability may be due to the growth/annihilation of a whole ring. 😃 graph

jmichel80 commented 2 years ago

Ah yes I had forgotten about this network. Your data may interest @JenkeScheen there’s lots of way to build a network.

kexul commented 1 year ago

vary the number of lambda windows used for each perturbation. Cresset has developed an adaptive sampling procedure to help select a good number of windows per perturbation that you may find interesting. Alternatively use heuristics to assign more windows to 'noisy' perturbations

Hi @jmichel80, I just find the linked method quite interesting. May I ask, why we could use a fast (50ps) pre-calculation to determine the lambda window? Wouldn't it provide an error-prone estimation of the overlap matrix because of insufficient sampling?

jmichel80 commented 1 year ago

Hi @kexul This is a heuristic that is not guaranteed to give optimal results, but generally gives better performance than not optimising at all the allocation of computing resources. Longer runs would be necessary to sample equilibrium distributions but that is not necessary in this implementation. Qualitatively the structure of the overlap matrix is often rapid to establish and looks similar between bound/free legs. This is sufficient to make an informed guess on what windows can be skipped.

kexul commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for your detailed answer! @jmichel80 🤗