michelmansour / virgil

A delightful way to share, discuss, and annotate poetry
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Expect top-level JSON objects instead of arrays #17

Open alex-knowles opened 7 years ago

alex-knowles commented 7 years ago

Edit: I changed the example object name to "data" instead of "poems".

Requesting a poem index might return something like:

        "id": 3,
        "title": "Foo",
        "author": "Baz",
        "collection": "Where the Sidewalk Starts",
        "text": "This is\nNOT\na         poem."
        "id": 4,
        "title": "Bar",
        "author": "Quux",
        "collection": "Where the Sidewalk Starts",
        "text": "This is\nNOT\na         poem."

However, there is some conventional wisdom against returning top-level JSON arrays. Instead, clients should expect the server to return the array wrapped in an object. For example:

            "id": 3,
            "title": "Foo",
            "author": "Baz",
            "collection": "Where the Sidewalk Starts",
            "text": "This is\nNOT\na         poem."
            "id": 4,
            "title": "Bar",
            "author": "Quux",
            "collection": "Where the Sidewalk Starts",
            "text": "This is\nNOT\na         poem."
michelmansour commented 7 years ago

I support this.

alex-knowles commented 7 years ago

Note: I made a minor change to the example JSON posted above.

Previously, the top-level JSON object was named "poems". I changed it to "data". This is the default name generated by Phoenix. It is trivial to change, but "data" is a good default because it is predictable and generic for client consumption.