michelson / dante2

A complete rewrite of dante editor in draft-js
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save_handler is not working with images #224

Closed HugoSanchez closed 4 years ago

HugoSanchez commented 4 years ago

Hi Michelson,

I'm having trouble working with images, as the save_handler custom function stops working after I upload an image. All I'm doing for the moment is console.log(content) to see how the image looks like.

I'm working with Dante2 version "^0.5.0-rc21", and I have also installed @emotion/core, @emotion/styled, emotion-theming as explained in this issue 178

Any clue on what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you, Hugo

michelson commented 4 years ago

Hi @HugoSanchez please use the latest version and if you can send us a codesandbox with an example app to reproduce the error or the trace error and code sample

HugoSanchez commented 4 years ago

Hi @michelson, using the latest version made it work, sorry for that!

michelson commented 4 years ago

no worries, glad it work!