michelson / lazy_high_charts

Make highcharts a la ruby , works in rails 5.X / 4.X / 3.X, and other ruby web frameworks
MIT License
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Time data with irregular intervals #82

Open camilleroux opened 12 years ago

camilleroux commented 12 years ago


Time data with irregular intervals seems not to be managed currently by lazy_high_charts. Here is an exemple : http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.7.2/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/highcharts/demo/spline-irregular-time/


xiaods commented 12 years ago

i don't think so. but ok, let me mark it when sometimes i can have time to test it, i will do it. thanks for your focus.

tylerlong commented 8 years ago

I cannot make it work. seems not supported.


Please advise how to translate the following JS into Ruby:

$(function () {
        chart: {
            type: 'spline'
        title: {
            text: 'Snow depth at Vikjafjellet, Norway'
        subtitle: {
            text: 'Irregular time data in Highcharts JS'
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime',
            dateTimeLabelFormats: { // don't display the dummy year
                month: '%e. %b',
                year: '%b'
            title: {
                text: 'Date'
        yAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'Snow depth (m)'
            min: 0
        tooltip: {
            headerFormat: '<b>{series.name}</b><br>',
            pointFormat: '{point.x:%e. %b}: {point.y:.2f} m'

        plotOptions: {
            spline: {
                marker: {
                    enabled: true

        series: [{
            name: 'Winter 2012-2013',
            // Define the data points. All series have a dummy year
            // of 1970/71 in order to be compared on the same x axis. Note
            // that in JavaScript, months start at 0 for January, 1 for February etc.
            data: [
                [Date.UTC(1970, 9, 21), 0],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 4), 0.28],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 9), 0.25],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 27), 0.2],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 2), 0.28],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 26), 0.28],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 29), 0.47],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 0, 11), 0.79],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 0, 26), 0.72],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 1, 3), 1.02],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 1, 11), 1.12],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 1, 25), 1.2],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 2, 11), 1.18],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 3, 11), 1.19],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 1), 1.85],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 5), 2.22],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 19), 1.15],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 5, 3), 0]
        }, {
            name: 'Winter 2013-2014',
            data: [
                [Date.UTC(1970, 9, 29), 0],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 9), 0.4],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 1), 0.25],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 0, 1), 1.66],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 0, 10), 1.8],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 1, 19), 1.76],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 2, 25), 2.62],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 3, 19), 2.41],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 3, 30), 2.05],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 14), 1.7],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 24), 1.1],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 5, 10), 0]
        }, {
            name: 'Winter 2014-2015',
            data: [
                [Date.UTC(1970, 10, 25), 0],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 6), 0.25],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 20), 1.41],
                [Date.UTC(1970, 11, 25), 1.64],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 0, 4), 1.6],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 0, 17), 2.55],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 0, 24), 2.62],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 1, 4), 2.5],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 1, 14), 2.42],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 2, 6), 2.74],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 2, 14), 2.62],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 2, 24), 2.6],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 3, 2), 2.81],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 3, 12), 2.63],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 3, 28), 2.77],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 5), 2.68],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 10), 2.56],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 15), 2.39],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 4, 20), 2.3],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 5, 5), 2],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 5, 10), 1.85],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 5, 15), 1.49],
                [Date.UTC(1971, 5, 23), 1.08]

I tried, couldn't make the f. series working. Does it accept an array as parameter?