michielbdejong / ilp-node

Interledger Connector, used for https://github.com/interledger/interledger/wiki/The-Interledger-Testnet-of-Testnets-(IToT)
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fix IToT 2 tutorial #31

Closed michielbdejong closed 6 years ago

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

Should try out what happens if you generate a random string as your secret, derive an address from it, and then just send testnet XRP to it (see #29). If that works, it's nicer to just use the Interfaucet than to send people to the XRP-specific faucet.

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

Also, the current instructions on https://github.com/interledger/interledger/wiki/IToT-2-XRP-and-the-Interfaucet are for an earlier version of this repo, they don't work anymore so I should update them asap!

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

clp -> xrp and xrp -> clp are working, xrp -> xrp is not

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

I'm changing 'address' to 'account' in both plugin config options and in ilp-node config

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

fixed, it used ilp-node@3.2.0 now