michielbdejong / ilp-node

Interledger Connector, used for https://github.com/interledger/interledger/wiki/The-Interledger-Testnet-of-Testnets-(IToT)
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Allow connector to act as WebSocket slave #9

Closed michielbdejong closed 6 years ago

michielbdejong commented 6 years ago

The connector can have multiple clp peers as well as multiple virtual peers. But the clp peers can only be added if they connect to the connector's WebSocket server. It cannot act as a WebSocket slave.

If the connector can act as a WebSocket slave, then the client class can be based on it (just specify which WebSocket urls to connect to, and don't specify a port to listen on), and some code that is now duplicated in there (like Client#receiveOnLedger) or missing from the server (the Peer's fulfiller, based on Client#fulfillments) can be moved to connector.