michielbdejong / presentations

Source files of slides of presentations I gave
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Please upvote and downvote proposed WG names #4

Open michielbdejong opened 3 months ago

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Please click the face icon and then thumbs-up (👍 ) under the names you like and thumbs-down (👎 ) under the names you dislike.

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Enquire Within WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Fixing the Web WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Remote Storage WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Control Yourself WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Personal Storage WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Linked Web Storage WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Social Linked Data WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Linked HTTP storage WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Personal Data Store WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Sovereign Linked Data WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Bring Your Own Storage WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Self-owned Linked Data WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Socially-aware Storage WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Protected Data Platform WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Social and Personal Data WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Personal Online Datastore WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Personal Linked Data Store WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Samaritan Owned Linked Data WG (still solid WG)

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Decentralized Online Storage WG (DOS WG)

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Sovereign Secure Data Spaces WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Protected Linked Data Platform WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Shared Linked Decentralized Data WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Sovereign Secure Linked Data Spaces WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Decentralization and Democratization WG (D&D WG)

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Semantically Integrating Data and Apps WG (SIDAWG) (pronounced sea-dawg)

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Semantically Linked Decentralized Data WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Decentralized Online Storage & Identity WG (Dosanti WG)

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Self-owned Linked Information Depository WG

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Distributed Apps, Identities, and Storages WG (DAIS WG) A dais or daïs is a raised platform at the front of a room or hall, usually for one or more speakers or honored guests.

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Samaritan Owned Linked Information Depository WG (actually SOLID WG)

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Semantically Integrating Distributed Data and Apps WG (SIDDAWG) (pronounced sea-dawg)

michielbdejong commented 3 months ago

Apps, Multi-identity, and Authentication for Distributed Environments of URL/URI Storages WG (AMADEUS WG)