michmich112 / sveltekit-adapter-chrome-extension

Sveltekit adapter for making chrome extensions
MIT License
108 stars 17 forks source link

no index.html in build directory #25

Closed sebmade closed 1 year ago

sebmade commented 1 year ago

just start working with this with the lastest version of sveltekit npm run build don't generate index.html in the build directory do I miss something ?

wallw-teal commented 1 year ago

You probably want src/routes/+layout.js (or +layout.ts for typescript projects) with the following:

export const ssr = false
sebmade commented 1 year ago

that's it, thanks I was thinking the adapter do the work for me ;)

wallw-teal commented 1 year ago

I'm working on mine now, this is better:

export const prerender = true;

and remove the previous line above.