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Testing mobiReady test results discussion #15

Open michodgs25 opened 4 years ago

michodgs25 commented 4 years ago

Automated testing:

Automated testing is a very important part of testing a website; as this is able to detect any errors within the website that will cause issues. Furthermore, automated testing tools can detect the issues then inform the developer on how to resolve them.

I have used three automated testing tools:


This tool is verified by https://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-bp/ The importance of this tool to test the websites mobile readiness cannot be underestimated, as it tests thirty- eight different aspects of the site from DNS lookups to caching control. Once the site has been processed, mobiReady has three grades:

Along with grading each category, mobiReady provides specific evidence as to why the site was graded one of the above and a resolution. This tool is very helpful for the development of the site. (see initial grades in comments).

As you can see below, the first test was a success with twenty-nine categories passing, seven minor fails, and two major fails.

Firstly I focused on the major fails(two) as these need immediate attention:

This left the seven minor fails:

See the final test results in the comments below.


Overall this tool proved useful as it highlighted issues within the website that hindered user experience on mobile devices. Although there is still one major fail and six minor fails, this will allow the developer to focus on these specific areas in future iterations of the website.

michodgs25 commented 4 years ago

First mobiReady results:


michodgs25 commented 4 years ago

Final mobiReady results:
