micimize / jupyterlab-wikify

Use Markdown-It to render markdown, and implement svgbob and mermaid rendering.
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Move to plugin for latest `jupyterlab-markup`? #3

Open agoose77 opened 3 years ago

agoose77 commented 3 years ago

Hey @micimize,

This is a cool project. It aligns (I think) with some of my ideas about making JupyterLab more of a knowledge-base. Recently, jupyterlab-markup was upgraded to provide a plugin architecture, so that other extensions can add additional MarkdownIt plugins. Are you still interested in developing this package? If so, would you be willing to create the JupyterLab extensions that provide these plugins to jupyterlab-markup? jupyterlab-wikifiy can be a meta-package for these sub-packages.

micimize commented 3 years ago

@agoose77 that's awesome! I indeed made this with the idea of a jupyterlab-backed knowledge base in mind.

Unfortunately I don't actually use jupyterlab enough to really make use of it, so I probably won't update it anytime soon, but if I do I'll definitely rework it into a plugin. The core wikify code is pretty small – feel free to fork it if you want.