mickelson / attract

A graphical front-end for command line emulators that hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick or gamepad.
GNU General Public License v3.0
393 stars 115 forks source link

Full screen broken when multiple screens on Linux (Arch)(scaled by the total size) #616

Open potens1 opened 4 years ago

potens1 commented 4 years ago


First of all, this software seems huge ! Thank you for that !

It seems the fullscreen mode is broken on multiple screen on Linux. when I start attract in full screen, it does full screen but the content of the screen seems to cover only 1/(number of screens) of the area, the remaining space is black, so, i.e on my 3 screens setup, I get something like (behold of the ASCII art) this:

|Attr  |  2*empty    |

with Attr being the part effectively displaying Attract, squeezed to 1/3 in width (height is good)

I've tried to option called "multi screen" but it does not seems to change anything, and I don't know if it is designed for that.

I'm using Arch linux and installed attract with the aur file from here, attract 2.6.1, libxinerama 1.1.4, and nvidia-drivers 440.82.

Here is the output of the debug log (only parts about the screen)

Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Linux, SFML 2.5.1 +FontConfig +Xinerama +SWF +7z +Curl) 
avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100
Created Attract-Mode Window: 5760x1200 @ -1920,0 [OpenGL surface: 5760x1200 bpp=24]
Multimon: monitor #0: 1920x1080 @ 1920,0
Multimon: monitor #1: 1920x1200 @ 3840,0
Multimon: monitor #2: 1920x1200 @ 0,0
Running script: /usr/share/attract/intro/intro.nut
FFmpeg: Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
FFmpeg: Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
Done script: /usr/share/attract/intro/intro.nut
Initializing resampler: in_sample_fmt=fltp, in_sample_rate=48000, out_sample_fmt=s16, out_sample_rate=48000
End Video Thread - /usr/share/attract/intro/intro.mp4
 - bit_rate=5308760, width=1920, height=1080
 - displayed=107
 - average qscore=15

I did not find what level of details you expect for bug report, so just ask me if something is missing

[Edit] added the log output

mickelson commented 4 years ago

yes I suspect multimonitor support is hopelessly broken in many cases... unfortunately I don't have a set up to test multimon at the moment.