mickelson / attract

A graphical front-end for command line emulators that hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick or gamepad.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Non-compatible attract.cfg file found, does not contain the menu identifier. #640

Closed terryhouse82 closed 4 years ago

terryhouse82 commented 4 years ago

Error message is showing up after attract mode boots or shuts down:

non-compatible attract.cfg file found, does not contain the menu identifier

run the AM System Configuration utility to restore the attract.cfg file with proper identifier auto display configuration aborting... Attract-Mode v2.3.0 (Linux, SFML 2.4 +FontConfig +GLES +SWF) avcodec 58.14.100 / avformat 58.10.100 / swscale 5.0.102 / swresample 3.0.101

config: /home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg

** Initializing display: 'Arcade' -Loaded master romlist 'Arcade' in 528 ms (4532 entries kept, 1 discarded) -Constructed 2 filters in 7 ms (9064 comparisons) Error opening input file: /usr/local.share/attract/intro/intro_4x3.mp4 ERROR loading video: /usr/local.share/attract/intro/intro_4x3.mp4 Error opening input file: /usr/local/share/attract/intro/intro.mp4 ERROR loading video: /usr/local/share/attract/intro/intro.mp4

The video files are not used, despite them being turned off in attract.cfg, the errors persist. I have also reverted back to the original attract.cfg file and all errors still present. I cannot determine what they mean by "proper identifier" within the attract.cfg anyone with any knowledge of this error message please assist.

Thank you.

terryhouse82 commented 4 years ago

I don't get the error message after updating my attract.cfg to include

isgood=cat /home/pi/.attract/attract.cfg |grep "#is_nested=" |wc -l which was part of a third party auto configuration script that the configuration file was looking for. I am still seeing unwanted startup text but will try typing attract --loglevel silent into my autostart.sh script and see if that takes care of it.

terryhouse82 commented 4 years ago

After appending my autostart.sh file to include /dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the command arguments I have fixed my issue.

terryhouse82 commented 4 years ago
