mickelson / attract

A graphical front-end for command line emulators that hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick or gamepad.
GNU General Public License v3.0
393 stars 115 forks source link

lock am retropie 4.6 (rpi 3b+) #651

Open snock opened 4 years ago

snock commented 4 years ago

Last night I updated the retropie and since then 5-10 seconds after starting AM it crashes. By ssh I can kill attract and run it again but the same thing happens.

Since I have a 3b + rpi, I have always followed the "Compiling on the Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Jessie)" guide.

I have tried to compile everything again sfml-pi, ffmpeg and attract with the same result.

pi@retropie:~ $ attract 
Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Linux, SFML 2.4.2 +FontConfig +GLES +SWF +7z +Curl) 
avcodec 58.101.100 / avformat 58.51.101 / swscale 5.8.100 / avutil 56.58.100 / swresample 3.8.100

Config: /opt/retropie/configs/all/attractmode/attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'RetroPie'
 - Loaded master romlist 'RetroPie' in 3 ms (30 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 1 ms (60 comparisons)

If I run attract by ssh with the controller connected (sf30 pro 8bitdo) I get this, neither if it is normal or not. AM had never failed me.

pi@retropie:~ $ attract 
Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Linux, SFML 2.4.2 +FontConfig +GLES +SWF +7z +Curl) 
avcodec 58.101.100 / avformat 58.51.101 / swscale 5.8.100 / avutil 56.58.100 / swresample 3.8.100

Config: /opt/retropie/configs/all/attractmode/attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'RetroPie'
 - Loaded master romlist 'RetroPie' in 1 ms (30 entries kept, 0 discarded)
 - Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (60 comparisons)
Failed to get vendor ID of joystick /dev/input/js0
Failed to get product ID of joystick /dev/input/js0