mickem / nscp

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no performance data for check_cpu #659

Open grayloglearn opened 4 years ago

grayloglearn commented 4 years ago

Issue and Steps to Reproduce

Describe your issue and tell us how to reproduce it. i Team,

we are getting the error as o performance data for check_cpu. We are getting only for cpu sometimes drive. And remaining services are working fine.

Please find the attachment for your reference. After sometime again its going to OK state.

[nagios@ ~]$ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt -H XXXX -t 120 -s "" -p 12489 -v CPULOAD -l 1,90,95,5,90,95,15,90,95 NSClient - ERROR: No performance data from command: check_cpu

$USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -t 120 -s "$ARG1$" -p 12489 -v CPULOAD $ARG2$ $ARG3$

We have added the below details in nsclient.ini too but still getting same issue. [/settings/NSClient/server] ; PERFORMANCE DATA - Send performance data back to Nagios (set this to 0 to remove all performance data). performance data = 1

If this type of error will come what we have to check from client end.


Expected Behavior

its should give data and should show ok

Actual Behavior

unknown no perfromance data


Additional Details

NSClient++ log:

mintsoft commented 4 years ago

Do you get perfdata if you run nscp test and then use check_cpu ?

Additionally, have you tried https://github.com/mickem/nscp/releases/tag/ There's absolutely loads of bug fixes between those versions

grayloglearn commented 4 years ago

Can you please help us on how to check get perfdata if you run nscp test and then use check_cpu. its happening frequently. We were able to monitor the other services memory drive. Please find the attachment you can understand how the states are changing. When we observer state is no perfdata we immediately logged in checked the utilization of server. the server utilization is very less.



mintsoft commented 4 years ago

Ah I thought it was a persistant issue. If it's going unknown, it's probably a load issue or timeout or similiar. Is there anything in the nsclient.log for the times when it goes unknown ?

grayloglearn commented 4 years ago

thanks for the reply, no we have not seen any logs in nsclient.log. We can check if you need any details.