mickey / videojs-ga

Google Analytics plugin for video.js
MIT License
138 stars 109 forks source link

VIDEOJS: WARN: this.options() has been deprecated and will be moved to the constructor in 6.0 #28

Open SensicalCat opened 8 years ago

SensicalCat commented 8 years ago

Using Video.js v.5.6.0 videojs-contrib-hls - v1.3.7 videojs-ga - v0.4.2

This warning appears in the console.

Oztraiker commented 8 years ago

on my site it is exactly the same.

timonbandit commented 7 years ago

You can use this version https://github.com/timonbandit/videojs-ga Thanks

joeljv91 commented 7 years ago

same warning here, thanks for that fix @timonbandit