mickey / videojs-ga

Google Analytics plugin for video.js
MIT License
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How to get user specific data of video in Google analytics. #40

Open rohityadav876 opened 6 years ago

rohityadav876 commented 6 years ago

I've successfully created a player using HLS and Video JS, But Now facing some issue please guide me to resolve it


  1. How to start with 144p, Means whenever new video gets loaded start loading the lowest quality rather switching between 720, 480, 360, 240p, For that, I've tried "startLevel: 0" inside HLS configuration. But Looks does not work.

  2. I am trying to get analytics of the videos played by users so for that I am trying to us "videojs-ga" Plugin but Its sends details about the Videos played as good as I want but can anyone guide me how can I also send data about user to the analytics like "Username", "Email Id"

Simply we want to track each video played by used on our site with his/her details. So please guide me How can I achieve it.

I am using a WordPress Installment. If there is any plugin or any short of snippet available please let me know.

Kogoruhn commented 6 years ago

can anyone guide me how can I also send data about user to the analytics like "Username", "Email Id"

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