mickeyl / LTSupportAutomotive

An iOS / watchOS / macOS support library for OBD2, VIN-Decoding, and more.
MIT License
212 stars 59 forks source link

Documentation refers to Swift-UDS which cannot be found on GitHub #47

Closed jasonthenderson closed 1 year ago

jasonthenderson commented 1 year ago

Is there any plan to make Swift-UDS available? I would LOVE to try it out if so, I'm working on a hobby project using iPad Swift Playgrounds so I can only easily include Swift-based libraries and this would be huge. Just finished getting some BLE lithium batteries hooked up to my app, which was a lot of fun in itself ;)

Thank you!

mickeyl commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, for business reasons, I had to pull Swift-UDS and continue to develop it in private. It's now a much more capable, but proprietary library (including UDS, KWP, CCP, XCM, HSFZ, etc.) for which I'm working on a commercially licensable SDK.