mickleness / pumpernickel

This Java project includes classes related to desktop applications, Swing, performance, image processing, data structures, and other misc topics.
MIT License
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Missing Maven pom.xml file #73

Closed timboudreau closed 4 years ago

timboudreau commented 4 years ago

Found this project while, for reasons of insanity, updating an ancient image editor project to be more vector-oriented, and looking to solve some gradients-and-giant-rasters memory management issues.

And lo and behold, it's by the same guy who contributed to my old color chooser project.

At any rate, it seems everything is laid out to be maven-friendly, but there is no pom.xml file, so I added one. Think I got the info right, but please check.

Note the use of -dev instead of -SNAPSHOT in the version - this is intentional, since -SNAPSHOT is the magic Hey maven, download the whole internet! string which is the root of most of the world's maven loathing.

mickleness commented 4 years ago

Hiya, long time no see. :)

I tried to set this project up with Maven a couple of years ago, but I grew frustrated and ripped it all out. (At that time it was over a dozen separate projects; but now this project is flattened back into one.)

Talk to me like I'm someone who has never successfully used Maven: what do I need to do to maintain this pom file?

timboudreau commented 4 years ago

Should be absolutely nothing to maintain it. The only time I wind up doing things to POM files is if I'm adding dependencies or if something breaks across JDK releases and I need different behavior to build on different JDKs (usually only happens with annotation processors, when an annotation processor depends on something that Maven contains a different version of).

Famous last words, I know, but it should sit there and just work forever.