throws the error listed. and checking the mm3d tools with '~/rafe_files/micmac$ bin/mm3d' reveals that the SaisieMasqQT file is not available in the list.
Where would I source that file? And is adding it to -> /rafe_files/micmac/bin the a correct method?
I am working through the tutorials on the site
bin/mm3d SaisieMasqQT "/home/rafe/rafe_files/exo_fontaine_vide/AIMG_2470.JPG"
throws the error listed. and checking the mm3d tools with '~/rafe_files/micmac$ bin/mm3d' reveals that the SaisieMasqQT file is not available in the list.
Where would I source that file? And is adding it to -> /rafe_files/micmac/bin the a correct method?