micmurawski / poetry-plugin-lambda-build

Poetry plugin for building packages for serverless functions deployments like AWS Lambda, Google App Engine, Azure App Service, and more...
MIT License
18 stars 1 forks source link

Allow outputing files without zipping. #10

Closed Maxyme closed 3 weeks ago

Maxyme commented 3 weeks ago

It would be nice if there was an option to output the generated packages to a dir instead of zipping it. One reason for this, is to allow modifying the contents before uploading it to aws, which now requires unzipping then re-zipping. Another use case is to allow zipping it with a terraform data.archive fill for hashing: source_code_hash = "sha256:${data.archive_file.name.output_base64sha256}"


micmurawski commented 3 weeks ago

Sure thing!

micmurawski commented 3 weeks ago

@Maxyme run

poetry self add git+ssh://git@github.com/micmurawski/poetry-plugin-lambda-build@feature/add-optional-zipping

And see if that works for you. Notice that to disable zipping you need to drop .zip extensions from artifact paths

Maxyme commented 3 weeks ago

That works perfectly, thanks a lot!

micmurawski commented 3 weeks ago

@Maxyme I will make a new release with that capability. I would appreciate star 🤩