micnews / react-jw-player

A React Component API for JW Player
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DRM #79

Open randichilyon opened 6 years ago

randichilyon commented 6 years ago

can we use DRM on your library?

danmakenoise commented 6 years ago

Yeah, you should be able to include DRM in your playlist object! See here

randichilyon commented 6 years ago

then we can't use just file = xxx.m3u8? we need to use playlist and pass the file there?

danmakenoise commented 6 years ago

@christchron right now, I believe that is the only way. Take a look at those docs I linked to and tell me which DRM method you are planning on using. If you show me what the JW Player code would be, I can make a PR to this library to support it.

randichilyon commented 6 years ago

I need to use widewive for now. But later maybe need something else for Apple/Safari.

{ file: '//www.website.com/media/videofile.mpd', drm: { widevine: { url: '//widevine-proxy.appspot.com/proxy', headers:[{ name:”customData”, value : "abcdefg1234567hijklmn89101112opqrs98765tuvwxyz" }] } } }

If possible, i need to use only file but with drm. @danmakenoise .

Thanks btw

randichilyon commented 6 years ago

Hello @danmakenoise, can you help me?

danmakenoise commented 6 years ago

@christchron hey! I don't have any experience with DRM and JW Player! It does seem like we may need to add some new functionality to react-jw-player to accommodate this, though.

What I need from you is to use JW Player's docs and find a way to handle the DRM without react-jw-player, using the normal JWPlayer SDK. If you can do that, and show the code here, then I can help get this functionality folded into this library.

vishwajeetv commented 5 years ago

@danmakenoise @randichilyon it is rather very simple. You can pass appropriate DRM configuration in drm props like this

playerId = {'abc'}
drm = {drm}  />

Where drm = {clearKey: {key: '<key>', keyId: '<keyId>'}} in the case of clearKey DRM


Note : You will need an enterprise license to use DRM feature.

zunairzubair3 commented 3 years ago

@danmakenoise Any update on this?

SarfarazAhmed1012 commented 1 year ago

any updates?