This version is covered by your current version range, but I could not detect automated tests for this project. Without a test suite I can not really tell whether your project still works.
I was looking at the latest commit of your default branch, but GitHub said there is no status attached to it.
Do you have any ideas how I could improve these pull requests? Did I report anything you think isn’t right?
Are you unsure about how things are supposed to work?
There is a collection of frequently asked questions and while I’m just a bot, there is a group of people who are happy to teach me new things. Let them know.
Hello lovely humans,
log4js just published its new version 0.6.38.
This version is covered by your current version range, but I could not detect automated tests for this project. Without a test suite I can not really tell whether your project still works.
I was looking at the latest commit of your default branch, but GitHub said there is no status attached to it.
Do you have any ideas how I could improve these pull requests? Did I report anything you think isn’t right? Are you unsure about how things are supposed to work?
There is a collection of frequently asked questions and while I’m just a bot, there is a group of people who are happy to teach me new things. Let them know.
Good luck with your project :sparkles:
You rock!
The new version differs by 48 commits .
Merge pull request #395 from dcolens/dcolens-patch-1
Merge pull request #398 from BCGDV/master
add req.url so that connect works with restify
add req.url so that connect works with restify
add req.url so that connect works with restify
Update gelf.js
Fixes #393 - catch error when sending UDP packet to GELF server
Fix for stack traces appearing twice in node v6 - issue #389
Merge pull request #390 from AllClassPenguin/custom-levels
Merge pull request #387 from sparklton/master
Merge pull request #381 from BlueAcornInc/briceburg/hipchat-apiv2
update hipchat appendender test for hipchat-notifier
minor cleanups
There are 48 commits in total. See the full diff.
This pull request was created by
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