micro-ROS / micro-ROS-Agent

ROS 2 package using Micro XRCE-DDS Agent.
Apache License 2.0
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Run micro_ros_agent only shows two lines of info #155

Closed Genozen closed 2 years ago

Genozen commented 2 years ago

Issue template

Steps to reproduce the issue

(guide from: https://micro.ros.org/blog/2020/08/27/esp32/) and from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-ovNiyWbDg&t=107s then ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent udp4 --port 8888 ros2 topics list (on another terminal)

Expected behavior:

Longer list after pressing reset on ESP32?

Actual behavior:

[1656141640.108886] info | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | init | running... | port: 8888 [1656141640.109234] info | Root.cpp | set_verbose_level | logger setup | verbose_level: 4 (then just stucks here)

On the other terminal where I ran ros2 topics list: usage: ros2 [-h] Call ros2 <command> -h for more detailed usage. ... ros2: error: argument Call ros2 <command> -h for more detailed usage.: invalid choice: 'topics' (choose from 'action', 'bag', 'component', 'daemon', 'doctor', 'extension_points', 'extensions', 'interface', 'launch', 'lifecycle', 'multicast', 'node', 'param', 'pkg', 'run', 'security', 'service', 'topic', 'wtf')

I saw another thread with a similar issue, but I'm still not quite sure how to solve this.

Genozen commented 2 years ago

Same result using the docker method:

genozen@ubuntu:~/Desktop/microros_ws$ docker run -it --rm --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:foxy udp4 --port 8888 -v6 Unable to find image 'microros/micro-ros-agent:foxy' locally foxy: Pulling from microros/micro-ros-agent d5fd17ec1767: Pull complete ca43c78a9071: Pull complete 695af473b1cd: Pull complete 20ecbdd5d86a: Pull complete 184a755bf529: Pull complete 9c4352d7e259: Pull complete ea0e9bbed1d0: Pull complete 65bf8fe27777: Pull complete a7e4758ada80: Pull complete 34a8c9291c75: Pull complete 7686189d3c32: Pull complete 220958e97c88: Pull complete 4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete f1dfaa08f5aa: Pull complete 99d8818fd412: Pull complete bc1aae8b424b: Pull complete 4afcc20c1708: Pull complete c5a804c68b15: Pull complete 7b5ed05a6860: Pull complete ec57159ad4fb: Pull complete Digest: sha256:6ed0649ced29f775594f2cb9d5af89c2d9f06041634ca78bfae8f019dc39bac8 Status: Downloaded newer image for microros/micro-ros-agent:foxy S[1656142838.718245] info | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | init | running... | port: 8888 [1656142838.718727] info | Root.cpp | set_verbose_level | logger setup | verbose_level: 6

pablogs9 commented 2 years ago

The micro-ROS client will try to connect to the agent in rclc_support_init() for a certain amount of times with a certain timeout.

If this attempt fails, in this example, the app will fail. You can check the return value of this function and retry until the agent is reached. You can ping the agent in order to wait until it is available. But in general, you should handle the client-agent connection.

In your use case, if you open the agent and later the client, the client might lose all the opportunities to connect. If you open the agent and then the client, it will succeed.

Genozen commented 2 years ago

Hmm...so there's something wrong with the client-side (ESP32) connection? When I follow the tutorial like this one: https://medium.com/@SameerT009/connect-esp32-to-ros2-foxy-5f06e0cc64df

Is the client already running after flashing onto the ESP32? (step 6). If so, I should be able to build and run the agent and establish a connection right?

pablogs9 commented 2 years ago

Yes, if the micro-ROS Agent does not show any logging information (use the flag -v6) there is a communication problem between both entities. I recommend checking the network status of the ESP32 and the communication between your ESP32 and you computer. Once everything is working correctly, micro-ROS should be able to communicate.

Genozen commented 2 years ago

Sry, could you guide me a little bit more on how to check the network status of the ESP32 in microROS? I know we can use the WiFi library in the Arduino framework, not sure about microROS...(very new to this). Another thing that might be causing the network connection issue is that I'm running these in a Virtual Machine, where I enable serial port devices from my USB port. Hence the network might be different in the VM?

Really appreciate your help.

pablogs9 commented 2 years ago

The networking status is not related to micro-ROS, just check a networking example on the ESP32. In any case, I recommend you use the official ESP-IDF module for micro-ROS: https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro_ros_espidf_component.

BTW, are you trying to communicate the client and the agent by serial or by the network?

Genozen commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to communicate via the network (WiFi). Also, I tested it on another computer with native Linux installed instead of the virtual machine and it works! So for now I'll use that one to save me some trouble. Thank you so much! Excited to dive deeper into microROS.

Also, I have some common issues while installing microROS and have some suggested installations to make the user experience smoother, is there a way to post it somewhere?

pablogs9 commented 2 years ago

You can share your comments just here so other users can see when they have the same issues as you