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Sample code using rclc and rclcpp implementations.
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Problems with reconnection when using custom domain ID #71

Closed gsokoll closed 1 year ago

gsokoll commented 1 year ago

Issue template

Steps to reproduce the issue

We are attempting to build a test app to ensure the micro ros connection can tolerate either the host or client device restarting, and/or interruptions to the network. We have used code similar to https://docs.vulcanexus.org/en/humble/rst/tutorials/micro/handle_reconnections/handle_reconnections.html with the addition of specifying the custom domain id per code similar to https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro-ROS-demos/blob/45f342d4ef887f6a2e9f2dfa45d1d3388d7f6dbd/rclc/configuration_example/configured_publisher/main.c#L49

Our actual code is given below.

Expected behavior

If we do NOT attempt to use a custom domain (calling rclc_support_init() without any options), the app works as expected.

Actual behavior

If we DO attempt to use a custom domain , the client will not reconnect after an interruption. This occurs irrespective of whether the custom domain ID is 0 or some other non-default value.

Additional information

Response from the agent when the client app successfully connects:

dell@GDS-T5810:~/quasor_ws$ ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0 ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent udp4 --port 8888 -v6
[1678948109.461594] info     | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | init                     | running...             | port: 8888
[1678948109.461952] info     | Root.cpp           | set_verbose_level        | logger setup           | verbose_level: 6
[1678948109.532862] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 16, data: 
0000: 80 00 00 00 02 01 08 00 00 0A FF FD 02 00 00 00
[1678948109.533276] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 36, data: 
0000: 80 00 00 00 06 01 1C 00 00 0A FF FD 00 00 01 0D 58 52 43 45 01 00 01 0F 00 01 0D 00 01 00 00 00
0020: 00 00 00 00
[1678948109.632792] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 24, data: 
0000: 80 00 00 00 00 01 10 00 58 52 43 45 01 00 01 0F 49 8B 8B B5 81 00 FC 01
[1678948109.632960] info     | Root.cpp           | create_client            | create                 | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, session_id: 0x81
[1678948109.633046] info     | SessionManager.hpp | establish_session        | session established    | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, address:
[1678948109.633177] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 19, data: 
0000: 81 00 00 00 04 01 0B 00 00 00 58 52 43 45 01 00 01 0F 00
[1678948109.633623] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 48, data: 
0000: 81 01 00 00 01 07 26 00 00 0A 00 01 01 03 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 10 00 00 00 6D 79 5F 72
0020: 65 6E 65 73 61 73 5F 6E 6F 64 65 00 00 00 00 00
[1678948109.633733] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 80, data: 
0000: 81 01 01 00 01 07 46 00 00 0B 00 02 02 03 00 00 38 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 72 74 2F 69 6E 74 5F 70
0020: 75 62 6C 69 73 68 65 72 00 00 01 00 1C 00 00 00 73 74 64 5F 6D 73 67 73 3A 3A 6D 73 67 3A 3A 64
0040: 64 73 5F 3A 3A 49 6E 74 33 32 5F 00 00 01 00 00
[1678948109.633831] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 24, data: 
0000: 81 01 02 00 01 07 10 00 00 0C 00 03 03 03 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
[1678948109.633918] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 36, data: 
0000: 81 01 03 00 01 07 1C 00 00 0D 00 05 05 03 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 02 01 73 03 00 01 73 0A 00 00 00
0020: 00 00 00 03
[1678948109.634007] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 16, data: 
0000: 81 80 00 00 07 01 08 00 00 0E 00 05 00 00 00 00
[1678948109.647293] info     | ProxyClient.cpp    | create_participant       | participant created    | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, participant_id: 0x000(1)
[1678948109.647382] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 14, data: 
0000: 81 01 00 00 05 01 06 00 00 0A 00 01 00 00
[1678948109.647399] info     | ProxyClient.cpp    | create_topic             | topic created          | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, topic_id: 0x000(2), participant_id: 0x000(1)
[1678948109.647448] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 14, data: 
0000: 81 01 01 00 05 01 06 00 00 0B 00 02 00 00
[1678948109.647489] info     | ProxyClient.cpp    | create_publisher         | publisher created      | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, publisher_id: 0x000(3), participant_id: 0x000(1)
[1678948109.647522] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 14, data: 
0000: 81 01 02 00 05 01 06 00 00 0C 00 03 00 00
[1678948109.647773] info     | ProxyClient.cpp    | create_datawriter        | datawriter created     | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, datawriter_id: 0x000(5), publisher_id: 0x000(3)
[1678948109.647821] debug    | DataWriter.cpp     | write                    | [** <<DDS>> **]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 4, data: 
0000: 00 00 00 00
[1678948109.647879] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 14, data: 
0000: 81 01 03 00 05 01 06 00 00 0D 00 05 00 00
[1678948109.647913] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 13, data: 
0000: 81 00 00 00 0A 01 05 00 01 00 00 00 80
[1678948109.747705] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 16, data: 
0000: 81 80 01 00 07 01 08 00 00 0F 00 05 01 00 00 00
[1678948109.747824] debug    | DataWriter.cpp     | write                    | [** <<DDS>> **]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 4, data: 
0000: 01 00 00 00
[1678948109.747963] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 13, data: 
0000: 81 00 00 00 0A 01 05 00 02 00 00 00 80
[1678948109.847716] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 16, data: 
0000: 81 80 02 00 07 01 08 00 00 10 00 05 02 00 00 00
[1678948109.847837] debug    | DataWriter.cpp     | write                    | [** <<DDS>> **]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 4, data: 
0000: 02 00 00 00
[1678948109.847978] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x498B8BB5, len: 13, data: 
0000: 81 00 00 00 0A 01 05 00 03 00 00 00 80

Response from the client when an unsuccessful attempt is made by the client to connect:

dell@GDS-T5810:~/quasor_ws$ ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0 ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent udp4 --port 8888 -v6
[1678948068.808037] info     | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | init                     | running...             | port: 8888
[1678948068.808388] info     | Root.cpp           | set_verbose_level        | logger setup           | verbose_level: 6
[1678948069.340981] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | recv_message             | [==>> UDP <<==]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 16, data: 
0000: 80 00 00 00 02 01 08 00 00 0A FF FD 02 00 00 00
[1678948069.341427] debug    | UDPv4AgentLinux.cpp | send_message             | [** <<UDP>> **]        | client_key: 0x00000000, len: 36, data: 
0000: 80 00 00 00 06 01 1C 00 00 0A FF FD 00 00 01 0D 58 52 43 45 01 00 01 0F 00 01 0D 00 01 00 00 00
0020: 00 00 00 00

Our test code follows below.

#define RCCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){bool l = true; while(1){set_led_status(LED_RED, l = !l); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100));}}}

rclc_support_t support;
rcl_init_options_t init_options;
rcl_node_t node;
rcl_timer_t timer;
rclc_executor_t executor;
rcl_allocator_t allocator;
rcl_publisher_t publisher;
std_msgs__msg__Int32 msg;
bool micro_ros_init_successful;

bool redLedOn = true;
bool blueLedOn = true;

enum states
    } state;

// custom ROS domain ID used for the robot
#define CUSTOM_DOMAIN_ID    10
#define USE_CUSTOM_DOMAIN   false

bool create_entities();
void destroy_entities();
void test_microros_recon();

bool create_entities()
    allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
    if (true == USE_CUSTOM_DOMAIN)
    init_options = rcl_get_zero_initialized_init_options();
    // connect to agent, specifying options for custom domain, client key etc
    RCCHECK(rcl_init_options_init(&init_options, allocator));
    rmw_init_options_t* rmw_options = rcl_init_options_get_rmw_init_options(&init_options);
    RCCHECK(rcl_init_options_set_domain_id(&init_options, CUSTOM_DOMAIN_ID));
    RCCHECK(rclc_support_init_with_options(&support, 0, NULL, &init_options, &allocator));
    // connect to agent, without specifying options
    RCCHECK(temp_rc = rclc_support_init (&support, 0, NULL, &allocator));
    // create node
    RCCHECK(rclc_node_init_default(&node, "my_renesas_node", "", &support));
    // create publisher
    RCCHECK(rclc_publisher_init_default(&publisher, &node, ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs, msg, Int32), "int_publisher"));
    return true;

void destroy_entities()
    rmw_context_t *rmw_context = rcl_context_get_rmw_context(&support.context);
    (void) rmw_uros_set_context_entity_destroy_session_timeout(rmw_context, 0);

    RCCHECK(rcl_publisher_fini(&publisher, &node));
    // clean up init_options ????

void test_microros_recon()
    // Timeout for each ping attempt
    const int timeout_ms = 20;
    // Number of ping attempts
    const uint8_t attempts = 1;
    rcl_ret_t res;
    msg.data = 0;
    state = WAITING_AGENT;
    while (1)
    switch (state)
        state = (RMW_RET_OK == rmw_uros_ping_agent(timeout_ms, attempts)) ? AGENT_AVAILABLE : WAITING_AGENT;
        if (WAITING_AGENT == state)
        set_led_status(LED_RED, redLedOn = !redLedOn);

        // Create micro-ROS entities
        state = (true == create_entities()) ? AGENT_CONNECTED : WAITING_AGENT;
        if (state == WAITING_AGENT)
        // Creation failed, release allocated resources
        set_led_status(LED_GREEN, false);
        set_led_status(LED_RED, false);
        set_led_status(LED_GREEN, true);

        res = rcl_publish(&publisher, &msg, NULL);
        // Ping agent if previous publish attempt gave error
        if (RCL_RET_OK != res)
        state = (RMW_RET_OK == rmw_uros_ping_agent(timeout_ms, attempts)) ? AGENT_CONNECTED : AGENT_DISCONNECTED;
        if (AGENT_CONNECTED == state)
            // Spin ROS executor only once and return immediately to process any incoming messages
            rclc_executor_spin_some(&executor, RCL_MS_TO_NS(100));
            set_led_status(LED_GREEN, true);
            blueLedOn = false;
            set_led_status(LED_BLUE, blueLedOn);
            set_led_status(LED_GREEN, false);
        set_led_status(LED_BLUE, blueLedOn = !blueLedOn);
        set_led_status(LED_GREEN, false);
        state = WAITING_AGENT;
pablogs9 commented 1 year ago

Probably you will need to use rcl_init_options_fini somewhere when using custom domains. Please read the RCL API documentation.

gsokoll commented 1 year ago

I suspected there might need to be a fini for the init_options (and had a comment in my code to that effect), but didn't find it when googling. Might have googled for rclc_init_options_fini by mistake.

In any case - I have added rcl_init_options_fini to my destroy_entities function now and it seems to be working reliably. Thanks.