micro-ROS / micro_ros_msgs

Collection of ROS 2 message definitions used throughout the implementation of micro-ROS, both in the agent and client endpoints.
Apache License 2.0
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Industrial CI CMake tests error #7

Open delihus opened 7 months ago

delihus commented 7 months ago

Attaching the repository to workspace https://github.com/husarion/rosbot_ros/tree/ros2-combined-microros with industrial CI doesn't pass tests:

$ ( source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash && cd /root/target_ws && colcon test-result --verbose; )
build/micro_ros_msgs/Testing/20231205-1159/Test.xml: 3 tests, 0 errors, 1 failure, 0 skipped
- copyright
  <<< failure message
    -- run_test.py: invoking following command in '/root/target_ws/src/rosbot_ros/src/micro_ros_msgs':
     - /opt/ros/humble/bin/ament_copyright --xunit-file /root/target_ws/build/micro_ros_msgs/test_results/micro_ros_msgs/copyright.xunit.xml
    CONTRIBUTING.md: file not found
    1 errors, checked 2 files
    -- run_test.py: return code 1
    -- run_test.py: verify result file '/root/target_ws/build/micro_ros_msgs/test_results/micro_ros_msgs/copyright.xunit.xml'
build/micro_ros_msgs/test_results/micro_ros_msgs/copyright.xunit.xml: 2 tests, 0 errors, 1 failure, 0 skipped
- micro_ros_msgs.copyright CONTRIBUTING.md
  <<< failure message
    file not found
pablogs9 commented 7 months ago

It seems that it requires a CONTRIBUTING.md file right?

delihus commented 7 months ago

Yes, exactly.

I made also PR #8 with the Industrial CI workflow

pablogs9 commented 7 months ago

This shall close this issue: https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro_ros_msgs/pull/9

Could you confirm and close the issue?

delihus commented 6 months ago

Not ;/ image