micro7duylong / ComeBack-Seed

project ComeBack which integrate with OnePos
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Feature: View Purchase History #24

Open micro7duylong opened 1 year ago

micro7duylong commented 1 year ago

Feature: View Purchase History

As a customer of ComeBack App, I want to be able to view my purchase history, So that I can keep track of my past orders and transactions.

Note: This user story assumes that the app records and stores the purchase history of users, including the details of their past orders, such as the products, prices, dates, and status. Users may want to review their purchase history for various reasons, such as to check the delivery status, to track their expenses, to reorder the same products, or to request refunds or returns. This feature allows users to easily view their purchase history within the app, which can help to ensure that users can access their past orders quickly, securely, and conveniently.