microapps / gatsby-plugin-react-i18next

Easily translate your Gatsby website into multiple languages
MIT License
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Missing Key Error with gatsby-plugin-react-i18next #182

Open lpieri opened 8 months ago

lpieri commented 8 months ago

I am encountering an issue with gatsby-plugin-react-i18next where it's not able to locate the translation keys in my JSON files. Despite having the translations defined in my JSON files, I keep getting a missingKey error.

Error Message:

i18next::translator: missingKey fr translation welcome welcome

Relevant Configuration:

Gatsby Config:

// Gatsby Config Excerpt
const config: GatsbyConfig = {
  // ...other configurations...
  plugins: [
    // ...other plugins...
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
      options: {
        name: 'locale',
        path: `${__dirname}/src/locales/`
      __key: "locale"
      resolve: '@herob/gatsby-plugin-react-i18next',
      options: {
        languages: ["fr"],
        fallbackLanguage: "fr",
        trailingSlash: 'never',
        verbose: true,
        i18nextOptions: {
          debug: true,
          interpolation: {
            escapeValue: false,
          keySeparator: false,
          nsSeparator: false,
    // ...other plugins...

Component using the t function:

// React Component Excerpt
const Home: React.FC = () => {
  const { t } = useI18next();
  // ...other component logic...
  return (
      {/* ...other JSX... */}
      {/* ...other JSX... */}

JSON File (locales/fr/index.json):

  "welcome": "Welcome on my website",

Attempted Solutions:

Despite these efforts, the issue persists. Any guidance or assistance in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.


Gatsby version: "5.9.1" gatsby-plugin-react-i18next version: latest