microbiome / OMA

Orchestrating Microbiome Analysis
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Ordination methods, interpretation #511

Open TuomasBorman opened 3 months ago

TuomasBorman commented 3 months ago

The ordination method section does only describe available methods, but does not really say the difference between them, and when to use them. (the differences in interpretation)

antagomir commented 3 months ago

When ordination section text is updated it would be necessary to cite key literature, where those interpretations and ways to summarize them are available. I can pick suitable refs when someone opens a PR on this for comments.

antagomir commented 1 month ago

UMAP is generally not so recommended, I would leave that out entirely and focus on the methods that are commonly used & accepted in the microbiome field (e.g. PCA, PCoA/MDS, NMDS, dbRDA, possibly some other but not too many)

antagomir commented 1 month ago

For dissimilarities, the following are very relevant at least: Aitchison, Jaccard, Bray-Curtis, Unifrac.