microbiome / mia

Microbiome analysis
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Clean up the manpages #450

Open antagomir opened 9 months ago

antagomir commented 9 months ago

The html manpages do not always render well, see e.g. https://microbiome.github.io/mia/reference/getExperimentCrossAssociation.html

Daenarys8 commented 5 months ago

Do we have pending tasks to clean up rendering in manpages?

antagomir commented 5 months ago

Could you for instance browse through all reference pages in mia, miaViz, miaTime and see if you notice anything that could be easily improved / clarified?

If examples throw warnings it might be good to either modify the example to get rid of warnings, or comment on why those warnings appear and show how to deal with them.

This task is secondary priority if more urgent tasks pop up.

Daenarys8 commented 5 months ago

Sure will take a look while pending feedback on some commits I pushed earlier.