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Create FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) #37

Open PeopleMakeCulture opened 8 months ago

PeopleMakeCulture commented 8 months ago

Related to Milestone: https://github.com/microbiomedata/issues/issues/500

Create a first draft of a FAIR implementation profile using FIP Wizard

Resources on what is a FIP:

https://peta-pico.github.io/FAIR-nanopubs/fip/index-en.html https://www.go-fair.org/how-to-go-fair/fair-implementation-profile/

PeopleMakeCulture commented 8 months ago

See Slack: https://nmdc-group.slack.com/archives/CL3PQTQSK/p1704303666648179

first-pass draft of as-of-now (versus desired state) FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) for NMDC:

multi-page version inviting comments single-page html (projection of first version) excel workbook (projection of first version)