Evolution of Ambassadors program to support metadata standards
The initial year of the Ambassadors program focused on spreading awareness of data standards and their
central role in enabling findable and reusable microbiome data. We recognize that the process of applying
standards, and applying them appropriately (13), remains a challenge for the research community. To
support our strategic intents, improving community adoption of data standards will continue to be the
core focus of the Ambassadors program in this next phase of the NMDC. The program will continue to
support cohorts of emerging community leaders on an annual basis to host NMDC events (i.e. workshops,
presentations) within their respective communities (Milestone 2.6). In addition to showcasing the value
of data standards using NMDC products, Ambassadors will also provide practical training for the broader
community on how to apply data standards, leveraging the Submission Portal and Data Portal not only as
core learning resources, but also as effective and intuitive tools to aid in the data management and data
submission processes. Feedback from these events will inform the development of user research
questions; improve NMDC documentation and identify gaps in community standards guidance; enhance
existing community standards (i.e. EnvO, MIxS); and enable us to evaluate changes in community
perceptions toward data standards (Milestone 2.7). To support the expanded Ambassador program, the
NMDC team will provide training on the NMDC (e.g., core products, mission, and vision), planning and
logistical support (i.e. playbook, template slide decks, draft workshop agenda), and guidance on applying
community data standards (in partnership with community experts) (Milestone 2.6). To ensure that
Ambassadors are equipped with the skills and tools to engage with their communities, CSCCE (see Letter
of Support) will lead training modules and consultations throughout each program year focused on best
practices in community engagement. At the end of each program year, we will apply the learnings from
each cohort toward refining a set of community engagement playbooks and accompanying template
materials (Milestone 2.8).
Evolution of Ambassadors program to support metadata standards The initial year of the Ambassadors program focused on spreading awareness of data standards and their central role in enabling findable and reusable microbiome data. We recognize that the process of applying standards, and applying them appropriately (13), remains a challenge for the research community. To support our strategic intents, improving community adoption of data standards will continue to be the core focus of the Ambassadors program in this next phase of the NMDC. The program will continue to support cohorts of emerging community leaders on an annual basis to host NMDC events (i.e. workshops, presentations) within their respective communities (Milestone 2.6). In addition to showcasing the value of data standards using NMDC products, Ambassadors will also provide practical training for the broader community on how to apply data standards, leveraging the Submission Portal and Data Portal not only as core learning resources, but also as effective and intuitive tools to aid in the data management and data submission processes. Feedback from these events will inform the development of user research questions; improve NMDC documentation and identify gaps in community standards guidance; enhance existing community standards (i.e. EnvO, MIxS); and enable us to evaluate changes in community perceptions toward data standards (Milestone 2.7). To support the expanded Ambassador program, the NMDC team will provide training on the NMDC (e.g., core products, mission, and vision), planning and logistical support (i.e. playbook, template slide decks, draft workshop agenda), and guidance on applying community data standards (in partnership with community experts) (Milestone 2.6). To ensure that Ambassadors are equipped with the skills and tools to engage with their communities, CSCCE (see Letter of Support) will lead training modules and consultations throughout each program year focused on best practices in community engagement. At the end of each program year, we will apply the learnings from each cohort toward refining a set of community engagement playbooks and accompanying template materials (Milestone 2.8).
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