microbiomedata / issues

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Milestone - Develop NMDC Field Notes to showcase the utility of a mobile app for collecting sample metadata - PROTOTYPE (6.1) #616

Open ssarrafan opened 7 months ago

ssarrafan commented 7 months ago

Following discussions at the team retreat, have initiated planning for a new metadata mobile application with the prototype to be released for the upcoming GSP meeting in April. We have outlined desired features and performed a landscape analysis, along with creating mock-ups, and performed user interviews which generated 50 insights and 18 action items. We anticipate continued development with an updated version available following the prototype in FY25 Q3.

From DOE Quarterly Update Q1 2024

ssarrafan commented 5 months ago

2024 prototype work completed. I'm moving this milestone GH ticket to Q3 2025 From DOE Quarterly update:

The team designed and implemented a framework for exchanging data with the Data Portal backend in an authenticated and offline-tolerant manner. Created the welcome screen and guides for using the app and implemented screens for adding sample data and validating against the schema. The team has begun prototyping ways to capture photos and scan data from barcodes and will continue to work on these and other features in the next reporting period. Information about the Field Notes app is available on the website.