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National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) unified data model
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usability suggestions & self-documentation for `migrator` target in `project.Makefile` #1643

Open turbomam opened 7 months ago

turbomam commented 7 months ago

This target doesn't create an output file in the CWD called migrator does it?

If it doesn't, then we should add

.PHONY: migrator

on the line above it or below it

Could the migration bootstrapping script take a name or output path as an argument?

We try to avoid makefile targets that aren't explicit about the files they create.

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

This target doesn't create an output file in the CWD called migrator does it?

No, it creates a file called migrator_from_... and it creates it in the migrators/ folder.

Could the migration bootstrapping script take a name or output path as an argument?

Generating a file name that is consistent with the schema version numbers involved is one of the services the script provides: given a pair of version numbers, it generates a valid file name into which those version numbers are incorporated. From a technical standpoint, the script could be updated to use a user-specified file name and/or path, but it currently does not do so.

If it doesn't, then we should add

OK, I'll open a PR with that change. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

It is listed as a .PHONY: dependency.

Committed via https://github.com/microbiomedata/nmdc-schema/commit/63b823127b2cee0b0c797ab6786c26a6ccb31c8b#diff-5607ecbac7dd39511f45b6ae9cd7bf6140c32d1c61674e594c09468256c7e17fR544

It is a few lines up (above the other migrator-related target).

.PHONY: migration-doctests migrator

Do you want me to move it to a separate .PHONY: line that is directly above the migrator target, or is the current location sufficient? Either one works for me.

turbomam commented 7 months ago

Thanks for checking. No, we don't have to move the .PHONY assertion.

turbomam commented 7 months ago

OK, I like the feedback from click.echo(f"Created '{file_name}' successfully."), but I'd prefer that collection of the from and to versions would also be available as command line arguments, so that they can be illustrated in the makefile target.

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

I'd prefer that collection of the from and to versions would also be available as command line arguments, so that they can be illustrated in the makefile target.

They are also command-line options. Because they are defined with the prompt kwarg set (e.g. prompt="Some prompt"), if the user doesn't include those command-line options, the script will prompt the user for them. This way, people don't have to edit the project.Makefile every time they want to generate a new migrator (alternatively, they could run $ poetry run create-migrator directly).

You can see all the command-line options by either looking at the script's code or running the script with the --help command-line option.

root@82a58c1ab0c4:/nmdc-schema# poetry run create-migrator --help
Usage: create-migrator [OPTIONS]

  Create a migrator class based upon the specified version identifiers.

  --from-version, --from TEXT  Schema version from which the migrator will
                               migrate data (e.g. "1.0").  [required]
  --to-version, --to TEXT      Schema version to which the migrator will
                               migrate data (e.g. "1.1").  [required]
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

Here's a link to the documentation about the prompt kwarg of click: https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.1.x/options/#prompting

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

We try to avoid makefile targets that aren't explicit about the files they create.

I'm comfortable with removing the script from the Makefile altogether, in case you don't think it fits in well with the existing patterns. People will still be able to run the script via $ poetry run create-migrator, and I could update the migration documentation to show that command instead of the make command.

turbomam commented 7 months ago

I'm comfortable with removing the script from the Makefile altogether,

Is it mentioned in any of the maintainer/contributor documents in the root of the repo?

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

Is it mentioned in any of the maintainer/contributor documents in the root of the repo?

No, it (the make migrator command) is not mentioned in any of: README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, DEVELOPMENT.md, MAINTAINERS.md.

It is only mentioned here (confirmed via GitHub search): https://github.com/microbiomedata/nmdc-schema/blob/58e93e69daaae71ed4c478192082f604696467b9/nmdc_schema/migrators/README.md?plain=1#L29

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

I don't know what remains for this issue. Hi @turbomam, based upon our exchange above, are you OK with closing this issue—or is there action that you want me to take regarding it?

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

Closing as I think there are no outstanding tasks here.

turbomam commented 7 months ago

Ideally the makefile target would illustrate the use of command line arguments, not just launch it in default mode.

eecavanna commented 7 months ago

Given how the script works today, I see a few options:

  1. Illustrate the CLI options (which include the "from" and "to" schema version numbers) in the Makefile, and require the developer to update the Makefile with the version numbers they expect someone to want to use when generating the next migrator
  2. Remove the command from the Makefile and document how developers can run it without the Makefile (that documentation already exists—a screenshot is below)
  3. Compromise on the ideal and have a make migrator command that is interactive

My first choice is 3, then 2, then (big gap, since 1 requires recurring maintenance) 1.

What do you think?

that documentation already exists
