microbiomedata / nmdc-schema

National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) unified data model
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Re-ID, Ingest to Napa DB, and Verify Napa compliance for "Luqillo" study `nmdc:sty-11-076c9980` #1793

Closed mbthornton-lbl closed 3 months ago

mbthornton-lbl commented 4 months ago

Note: Scope of this work is the Napa Database Instance. The same steps will need to be repeated in a prod-ready environment

For the "Luqillo" Study - id: nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 legacy id: gold:Gs0128850

mbthornton-lbl commented 4 months ago

linkml-validate vs. 8.0.0 schema: No issues found

Imported to GraphDB

PREFIX nmdc: <https://w3id.org/nmdc/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
select * where { 
    ?s nmdc:has_output ?o .
    minus {?o rdf:type ?oo}
} limit 100 

No objects that are not Typed Subjects

mbthornton-lbl commented 4 months ago

Validation vs. the 10.1.0 schema has 2 errors:

(nmdc-schema-py3.9) (base) MBThornton@MBThornton-M92 nmdc-schema % linkml-validate -s ./local/nmdc-schema-v10.1.0.yaml ./local/nmdc:sty-11-076c9980.yaml 

INFO:root:Using SchemaView with im=None
[ERROR] [./local/nmdc:sty-11-076c9980.yaml/0] Additional properties are not allowed ('award_dois' was unexpected) in /study_set/0
[ERROR] [./local/nmdc:sty-11-076c9980.yaml/0] 'study_category' is a required property in /study_set/0
(nmdc-schema-py3.9) (base) MBThornton@MBThornton-M92 nmdc-schema % 
mbthornton-lbl commented 3 months ago

Version 10.1 issues will be handled by https://github.com/microbiomedata/nmdc_automation/issues/66