microbiomedata / nmdc-schema

National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) unified data model
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`berkeley-schema-fy24`: id slot_usage resulting in badly minted IDs #2122

Closed kheal closed 2 months ago

kheal commented 3 months ago

In berkeley-schema-fy24, some of the syntax declarations on ids of classes result in extra parentheses during minting on the berkeley-schema nmdc runtime. This results in badly minted ids for instances of new classes.

Actions to take to fix this bug:

For example:

    is_a: Configuration
    class_uri: nmdc:ChromatographyConfiguration
          syntax: "{id_nmdc_prefix}:(chrocon)-{id_shoulder}-{id_blade}$"
          interpolated: true

Example minted ID of ChromatographyConfiguration = nmdc:(chrocon)-14-bwmbj819.
That can be fixed easily with a schema change by removing the () around chrocon, as classes without this result in well minted IDs (example Instrument class mints to nmdc:inst-14-3p938v35 for example)

However instances of DataGeneration:NucleotideSequencing are less easily fixed

    class_uri: nmdc:NucleotideSequencing
    is_a: DataGeneration
          syntax: "{id_nmdc_prefix}:(dgns|omprc)-{id_shoulder}-{id_blade}$"
          interpolated: true

Example minted ID of NucleotideSequencing = nmdc:(dgms|omprc)-14-2204gm61. 🙀 My guess is that the minter doesn't know which to choose of those options (dgms|omprc). My understanding is that we will need to keep the flexibility on the id prefixes for referential integrity, so I do not have a solution forward to fixing this example.

I am not sure where to fix this - on the schema or in the minter or some combination of both?

@brynnz22, @eecavanna, @aclum, @dwinston, @turbomam - I'm actually not sure who all needs to be in on this conversation since it's a schema:minter intersection issue.

eecavanna commented 3 months ago

Thanks for reporting this, @kheal, prefixing the issue name with berkeley-schema-fy24:, and including the (dgns|omprc) example.

You have already CC'ed @dwinston. I'll also CC @PeopleMakeCulture so she is aware of the issue.

I don't know how the minter gets that value to include in the ID it mints. I'm going to add this to "Update the Runtime to work with the Berkeley schema" meta issue, although—like you—I don't know where this will be fixed (in terms of the schema versus the runtime, or both).

turbomam commented 3 months ago

I think parentheses wrapped, pipe-separated list of typecodes are pretty common in the schema. I'm surprised we haven't seen problems earlier.

In any case, I agree that (chrocon) isn't a good style. That was probably my fault., But it is a reasonable regular expression and I would expect the minter to parse it (and the NucleotideSequencing pattern) correctly.

turbomam commented 3 months ago

In nmdc-schema

grep -c -R 'syntax: "{id_nmdc_prefix}:' src/schema/*

src/schema/annotation.yaml:1 src/schema/basic_slots.yaml:0 src/schema/core.yaml:4 src/schema/external_identifiers.yaml:0 src/schema/mixs.yaml:0 src/schema/nmdc.yaml:37 src/schema/portal/emsl.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/jgi_metagenomics.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/.gitkeep:0 src/schema/portal/mixs_inspired.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/jgi_metatranscriptomics.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/sample_id.yaml:0 src/schema/prov.yaml:3 src/schema/workflow_execution_activity.yaml:16

grep -c -R "syntax: '{id_nmdc_prefix}:" src/schema/*

src/schema/annotation.yaml:0 src/schema/basic_slots.yaml:0 src/schema/core.yaml:0 src/schema/external_identifiers.yaml:0 src/schema/mixs.yaml:0 src/schema/nmdc.yaml:1 src/schema/portal/emsl.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/jgi_metagenomics.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/.gitkeep:0 src/schema/portal/mixs_inspired.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/jgi_metatranscriptomics.yaml:0 src/schema/portal/sample_id.yaml:0 src/schema/prov.yaml:0 src/schema/workflow_execution_activity.yaml:0

turbomam commented 3 months ago

similar pattern in berkeley-schema-fy24

kheal commented 3 months ago

The parentheses wrapped, pipe-separated list of typecodes are appropriate for the structured pattern checks that linkML does, but the minter seems to use the id slot to make ids. As written, how would the minter know which of the type codes to use in {id_nmdc_prefix}:(dgns|omprc)-{id_shoulder}-{id_blade}$ when generating the IDs. Therefore, I think the issue is only when the syntax {id_nmdc_prefix}:( is declared on the id.structured_pattern.syntax slot.

turbomam commented 3 months ago

@kheal can you please show some minting API calls that result in useful vs mangled id minting?

kheal commented 3 months ago

@brynnz22 was doing the actual minting while I was schema hunting to track down the source.

Brynn, could you add an example API call for 1) Instrument [useful] 2) MassSpectrometryConfiguration [mangled, but easily fixable with schema mods] 3) MassSpectrometry [mangled, and not easily fixable with schema mods alone]

turbomam commented 3 months ago

swagger minting reminder:

aside: do we have any better specifications on how many characters can be in a typecode?

6 characters appears as the max in a few suggestions. These are meant to be very short mnemonics. For example, storpro could follow the example of poolp, ie pp not pro. chrocon could be chrcon

nmdc-schema typecodes Typecode Name | Length --------------|------- bsmprc | 6 clsite | 6 filtpr | 6 frsite | 6 libprp | 6 procsm | 6 wfmgan | 6 wfmgas | 6 wfmtan | 6 wfmtas | 6 extrp | 5 filtpr | 5 omprc | 5 poolp | 5 wfmag | 5 wfmsa | 5 wfnom | 5 wfrbt | 5 wfrqc | 5 ansm | 4 dobj | 4 wfmb | 4 wfmp | 4 wfmt | 4 bsm | 3 sty | 3
berkeley-schema-fy24 typecodes Typecode Name | Length --------------|------- (chrocon) | 7 storpro | 7 clsite | 6 frsite | 6 libprp | 6 mixpro | 6 procsm | 6 subspr | 6 wfmgan | 6 wfmgas | 6 wfmtan | 6 wfmtas | 6 calib | 5 chcpr | 5 cspro | 5 (dgms\|omprc) | 5 (dgns\|omprc) | 5 dispro | 5 extrp | 5 filtpr | 5 (mscon) | 5 poolp | 5 wfmag | 5 wfmsa | 5 wfnom | 5 wfrbt | 5 wfrqc | 5 dobj | 4 inst | 4 wfmb | 4 wfmp | 4 wfmt | 4 bsm | 3 pex | 3 sty | 3

aside: I would like us to pick a single minting authority code for all of our example data, like 00 or 99.

turbomam commented 3 months ago

Well I'm certainly in favor of removing the un-necessary parentheses wrappers from both schemas right away if you want.

This works in PyCharm's find in files:

id\:\s+structured_pattern\:\s+syntax: "\{id_nmdc_prefix\}\:\(

in berkeley-schema-fy24

that pattern doesn't appear in nmdc-schema... I guess that's why you just discovered it now @kheal

turbomam commented 3 months ago

@aclum do you think NucleotideSequencing and MassSpectrometry currently need (or will always need) those dual-typecode patterns?

kheal commented 3 months ago

aside: do we have any better specifications on how many characters can be in a typecode?

6 characters appears as the max in a few suggestions. These are meant to be very short mnemonics. For example, storpro could follow the example of poolp, ie pp not pro. chrocon could be chrcon

nmdc-schema typecodes berkeley-schema-fy24 typecodes aside: I would like us to pick a single minting authority code for all of our example data, like 00 or 99.

I have no problem shortening the typecodes for chrocon and storpro if 6 characters is preferred, but we need to do it ASAP because we are in the process of generating metadata for at least one of those classes. If we do decide to go that route I would also ask that standard to be added to the CONTRIBUTING.md under "Modeling Best Practices" to document our decision and help guide reviewers/contributors in the future.

aclum commented 3 months ago

This is from https://microbiomedata.github.io/nmdc-schema/identifiers/

: An alphabetical code with a 1:1 correspondence to a class from the NMDC schema. Answers the question "of what class is the data record that bears this id"? Must consist of 1 to 6 lower case letters, although a minimum of 3 letters is suggested. **The type code portion of an NMDC id must match the regular expression [a-z]{1,6}.** The original motivation, decided at the berkeley in person meeting, behind supporting both (dgms|omprc) and (dgns|omprc) was to support the legacy typecodes so we didn't have to change ids when typecode changed. Doing otherwise sets a bad precedent in which our identifiers are potentially not persistent. I still that decision which means we'll need to support the legacy typecodes going forward.
kheal commented 3 months ago

Thanks @aclum. I'll summarize what I think of are actionable steps going forward to close this issue.

I will fix the first two so we can review and merge during the metadata meeting tomorrow to unblock refactoring work in progress. I'll convert the third into a separate issue in the nmdc runtime repo and let @eecavanna or @dwinston address that issue.

brynnz22 commented 3 months ago

@brynnz22 was doing the actual minting while I was schema hunting to track down the source.

Brynn, could you add an example API call for

  1. Instrument [useful]
  2. MassSpectrometryConfiguration [mangled, but easily fixable with schema mods]
  3. MassSpectrometry [mangled, and not easily fixable with schema mods alone]

@turbomam if you want to test and get the API calls you can go the Berkeley runtime and mint these ids to see if you haven't already done so: https://api-berkeley.microbiomedata.org/docs#/minter/mint_ids_pids_mint_post

eecavanna commented 3 months ago

FYI: I created a PR in nmdc-runtime with what I think is a fix for the ~third item~ minter piece. PR: https://github.com/microbiomedata/nmdc-runtime/pull/597/. I've requested reviews (there) from the Polyneme team members.

turbomam commented 3 months ago

@turbomam if you want to test and get the API calls you can go the Berkeley runtime and mint these ids to see if you haven't already done so: https://api-berkeley.microbiomedata.org/docs#/minter/mint_ids_pids_mint_post

Thanks @brynnz22 !

see also

eecavanna commented 3 months ago

As mentioned here (verbatim): The Minter in the Berkeley environment has been updated to (a) tolerate one layer of extraneous parentheses and (b) to use the first typecode — foo — in a (foo|bar|baz) list.

dwinston commented 3 months ago

The original motivation, decided at the berkeley in person meeting, behind supporting both (dgms|omprc) and (dgns|omprc) was to support the legacy typecodes so we didn't have to change ids when typecode changed. Doing otherwise sets a bad precedent in which our identifiers are potentially not persistent. I still that decision which means we'll need to support the legacy typecodes going forward.

We can keep a "legacy" identifier persistent if (a) we keep it bound to its entity, e.g. move it from id to nmdc:alternative_identifiers; and (b) we ensure that part of NMDC's service architecture understands what the current preferred unique identifier is for a thing, given a non-unique but unambiguous identifier in a service request. This would apply to "external" PIDs as well, e.g. IGSNs for biosamples as applicable. In either case, the response would always yield (as id) the identifier that -- at present -- we want to be used when the client user cites the entity.

The consequence of the above would be that the schema is (or rather, returns to being) unambiguous about ID format for minting and validation, and the case of legacy IDs becomes a subset of the case of alternative IDs.

aclum commented 3 months ago

I'd strongly discourage changing the primary ID on a regular basis, the IDs get used in file names and file headers and propagate to downstream systems like IMG and we don't have logic with systems like the data portal yet to search alternative identifiers.