microbit-foundation / pxt-ml-runner-poc

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Add GitHub action for header-gen build #6

Closed microbit-robert closed 4 weeks ago

microbit-robert commented 1 month ago

@microbit-carlos I've attempted the merge with header-gen.yml.

microbit-carlos commented 4 weeks ago

@microbit-robert just a friendly ping that there are still a couple of open comments on this PR before we can merge it, which we might want to do to publish this package for (https://github.com/microbit-foundation/pxt-ml-extension-poc/pull/5)

microbit-carlos commented 3 weeks ago

@microbit-robert Publishing failed in: https://github.com/microbit-foundation/pxt-ml-runner-poc/actions/runs/9479430290/job/26117936317

npm error code ENEEDAUTH
npm error need auth This command requires you to be logged in to https://registry.npmjs.org/
npm error need auth You need to authorize this machine using `npm adduser`

Does the access right for this repo has to be managed from the org settings?

microbit-robert commented 3 weeks ago

@microbit-robert Publishing failed in: https://github.com/microbit-foundation/pxt-ml-runner-poc/actions/runs/9479430290/job/26117936317

npm error code ENEEDAUTH
npm error need auth This command requires you to be logged in to https://registry.npmjs.org/
npm error need auth You need to authorize this machine using `npm adduser`

Does the access right for this repo has to be managed from the org settings?

It's trying to publish in the wrong place. I'm guessing it's not reading the .npmrc file in working-directory. We can try moving it to the root of the project and also changing the name in the package.json from "ml-header-generator" to "@microbit-foundation/ml-header-generator".

microbit-carlos commented 3 weeks ago

In the end it only needed the @microbit-foundation in the package name: https://github.com/microbit-foundation/pxt-ml-runner-poc/pkgs/npm/ml-header-generator