microbit-foundation / python-editor-v3

Micro:bit Educational Foundation Python Editor V3
MIT License
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Semi-rapid tab switching results in strange connection state #1104

Open microbit-robert opened 1 year ago

microbit-robert commented 1 year ago

If you have a micro:bit successfully connected with the editor showing the serial, switch to a different tab briefly (maybe about half a second) and then switch back again. On returning to the editor, the serial is gone. Note that the program does not reset in this case (this is prior to https://github.com/microbit-foundation/python-editor-v3/pull/1103 being merged). The serial returns if you flash the device, or switch tabs in the same manner again.

Discovered while testing https://github.com/microbit-foundation/python-editor-v3/pull/1103, but not related to any change therein as it occurs on the production deployment.