microbit-foundation / python-editor-v3

Micro:bit Educational Foundation Python Editor V3
MIT License
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Upgrade MicroPython beta (on beta deployment only) #1155

Open microbit-matt-hillsdon opened 3 months ago

microbit-matt-hillsdon commented 3 months ago

We're expecting a MicroPython beta soon and we're going to do some of the upgrade work ahead of the beta being ready to get stubs changes prepped.

New MicroPython releases

Link new releases here

Recent build from master for now. Just aiming to use beta MicroPython on the staging/beta deployment.




Now or later:

microbit-matt-hillsdon commented 1 month ago

There's been a few rounds of work on this as the MicroPython update approaches its first beta.

We're primarily waiting for tweaks/feedback re audio record and playback in MicroPython and some browser compatibility work re implementing that in the sim.

Work in progress links: https://review-python-editor-v3.microbit.org/beta-micropython/ https://review-python-simulator.usermbit.org/beta-updates/demo.html

Stubs PR

Sim PR

Leaving the checklist alone for now as we'll need another pass through everything.