microchip-pic-avr-tools / pymcuprog

a Python utility for programming various Microchip MCU devices using Microchip CMSIS-DAP based debuggers
MIT License
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AVR32DB48 device info missing #3

Closed grandaspanna closed 2 years ago

grandaspanna commented 2 years ago

Along with a couple of others. I manually created one for my project, but someone pointed out that it should be captured here.

xedbg commented 2 years ago

Logged internally: DSG-3633

xedbg commented 2 years ago

Added missing devices. Beta release on test.pypi: pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ pymcuprog==

xedbg commented 2 years ago

Missing DBs, EAs, DDs are now in 3.10.2 https://github.com/microchip-pic-avr-tools/pymcuprog/tree/main/pymcuprog/deviceinfo/devices